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GNOSIS 2/2011


Consultant to the Presidency of the Republic and Professor at the Master in Criminology and Strategic Science at the University of Rome (La Sapienza) and the Master for correspondents in areas of war ‘Maria Grazia Cutuli’. He is consultant to the United Nations Inter-regional Crime Research Institute (UNICRI) and is author of the books ‘Beyond Iraq – the axis of evil and weapons of mass destruction’ Ed. Memori, ‘The New Empires – the geological map of the XXI Century’. Ed. Marsilio, ‘Twenty years without the Wall’, Ed. Fuoco



Permanent external correspondent of the Gnosis Review – prefers to use a pseudonym to conceal his identity


Valentina COLOMBO

Professor of Geopolitics of the Islamic world at the European University of Rome. She is journalist, publicist and columnist for the Hudson Center of New York. She works regularly with the Tempi Review and is authoress of numerous essays and books among which are: ‘Vietato in nome di Allah’ , Ed. Lindau and Ed. Mondadori: ‘Islam. Istruzioni per l’uso’ ; ‘Basta! Musulmani contro l’estremismo islamico’ , in anthology of liberal intellectuals; ‘L’altro Mediterraneo, , in anthology of Arab writers of the 20th Century


Stefano D’AURIA

Lawyer: specialist in ‘Forensic Sciences, Criminology, Investigation, Security and Intelligence’. From 2003 to 2007, he has worked with the Professorship of Criminology in the Faculty of Sociology of the University of Rome (La Sapienza). He is the author of various scientific publications


Emanuela C. DEL RE

Expert in questions of geopolitics, security and the Balkans; professor at the University of Rome (La Sapienza) and editorial advisor of the Limes Review; author of numerous essays and books, among which, ‘The Pan-European Corridor N° 8’, CeMiss 2002. She is President of EPOS (International Negotiating and Mediating Operational Agency)


Mariateresa GAMMONE

Researcher of sociology, she teaches in the Faculty of the Science of Education of the Aquila University, and in the Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine of the University of Rome (La Sapienza). Among her publications are: ‘Democrazia, donne, futuro’ , ‘La Sociologia e Alain Touraine’ , Ed. Franco Angeli


Roberto GUERRA

President of the Association X Regio Venetia et Histria, is author of numerous publications of a historical military character



Journalist and analyst: expert on questions of the contemporary Arab world. He collaborates with the Limes Review, with the daily newspaper, La Repubblica and other newspapers and magazines. He is author of numerous publications, among which: ‘Egitto, la svolta attesa, Ed. Memori



Journalist for the AdnKronos; expert in immigration. Writer, he is author of numerous publications among which: ‘Divorzio all’Islamica a Viale Marconi’, and ‘Scontro di civilità per un ascensore a Piazza Vittorio , Ed. E/O



Journalist for the daily newspaper, Corriere della Sera. He is an expert on international terrorism and, in particular, of that tied to the Middle-East crises. He is author of numerous publications, among which: ‘Operation Hotel California’, Ed. Feltrinelli, and ‘’, Ed. BUR



Professor of Middle-East studies at the John Hopkins University. He is Director of the Center of American Studies of Rome. An expert of terrorism and scholar of the political movements of the Islamic matrix: author of numerous publications, among which: ‘L’Altra Islam’, (‘The other Islam’), Ed. Rubbettino, and ‘I Fratelli Musulmani nel mondo contemporaneo’ (‘The Moslem Brotherhood in the contemporary world’), Ed. UTET


Nicola PEDDE

Professor in International Relations at the John Cabot University of Rome. He is Director of ‘Globe Research’ and is author of various publications, among which: ‘Geopolitics of the Energy’, Ed. Carocci and, ‘Iran 1979. The Islamic Revolution’, Ed. Gam



Scholar of Economic Diplomacy and Professor of the History of International Relations at the University of Naples Federico II. Professor at the Aeronautics Academy at Pozzuoli and author of monographs, essays and books, among which: ‘Cooperazione e relazioni internazionali’ , ‘La Diplomazia italiana e I Paesi Arabi of the East Mediterraneo’ , ‘Amicizie mediterranee e interesse nazionale’ , ‘L’Italia e il Mediterraneo orientale’, Ed. Franco Angeli and ‘Il Ponte sul Mediterraneo’ , Ed. Aspes



Professor of anti-recycling Legislation at the University of Reggio Calabria, and of Economy of the Financial Intermediaries, at the University of Florence. He is also Professor at the School of the Tributary Police of the Guardia di Finanza. He is President of the AIRA (Italian Association responsible for anti-recycling). He is a Chartered Accountant, Auditor and lawyer in Rome. At the present time, he is consultant to the Anti-mafia Parliamentary Commission


Antonio TETI

In charge of the informatics technical support of the General Direction of the G. D’Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara, where he also covers teaching assignments. He is Honorary President of the Italian Society of informatics and technological Sciences (SISIT) and Professional Member of the Association for Computing Machinery, and Member of the New York Academy of SciencesI