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GNOSIS 2/2011
The Satanic Sects
between religious freedom and the crime of subjugation

First part

Stefano D'AURIA

Photo by
The satanic sects come under the larger phenomenon which is that of the sects in general, a problem which basically regards contemporary societies.

The term “sect” derives from the root of the Latin verb sector (1) . At first, it designated the group of followers belonging to a school of thought which was not necessarily religious; with time, the original meaning which reconnected it to the verb secare (2) prevailed, and thus began to be used in reference to those groups of people who detached themselves from the culture and from the dominant social-moral parameters (3) . The phenomenon de quo immediately makes headlines whenever massacres of tens or even hundreds of people occur, very often collective suicides ordered by their charismatic leader (4) .
In fact, in the majority of cases, there is only one person at the top of the sect, the leader, generally the founder, from whom the important decisions come (5) . Almost always, the leaders are males and are endowed with distinctive characteristics. They are self-appointed, persuasive, determined, authoritarian, gifted with a certain charisma They claim to have a special mission or particular knowledge: some claim to have discovered ancient ways of reaching ‘enlightenment’ or the cure of certain pathologies; others claim to be able to lead their followers towards “new levels” of awareness, success, personal or political power; etc. (6) .
The sects tend to be totalitarian and all-inclusive, to control the conduct of their members: the vision of the world which they impose is based on fanaticism and extremism. They demand increased time, energy and money (7) from their followers and other resources in function of the professed objectives. Normally, one is led to believe that the sects are of a religious character; a factor which feeds this idea is that many groups are registered as churches because of the fiscal and legal benefits granted to religious entities. In reality, a sect can be constituted around any subject: politics, religion, commerce, techniques of self-improvement, health Salvationist, science fiction, psychology, phenomena from outer space, meditation, arts, environmentalism, etc. An inquiry made in 1998 gives an idea of the extension of the phenomenon in Italy. The survey – contained in a report of the Ministry of the Interior (8) – distinguishes the sectarian movement present in Italy, in two basic typologies: “magic” and “religious”.
Entered under the first category are the neo-pagan and New Age movements (9) , the esoteric and occultist movements, the satanic-Lucifer sects, the movements dedicated to spiritualism and UFO cults, for a total of 61 groups and 4,600 members. With regard to the satanic sects, in particular, 9 groups have been revealed with approximately 200 members. Entered under the 2nd category are: the movements of a Christian matrix, Eastern cults imported to the West, the movement for development of the potential, the Orientalist groups in Italy, the Western movements with oriental tendencies, for a total of 76 groups with 78,500 members (10) .

The Satanic Sects:
the origin and evolution of the phenomenon

Within the world of the sects, a particular place is reserved for the Satanic cults; in fact, the aberrant practices of a sexual nature are well known – and not only – they are normally practiced within the Satanist covens and often lead to human sacrifices and the abuse of children (11) . To speak of Satanism today, at the beginning of the third millennium, could seem anachronistic: it seems to belong to rural and culturally backward contexts, very far away from the post-industrial world. In reality, it is a widespread phenomenon in the metropolis and towns – and also in the provincial contexts – in the modern western world.
Reading verses from the literary work, “Paradise Lost” by the English writer, John Milton (12) Milton wrote the second and definitive edition of “Paradise Lost” in 1674. 2) one fully realizes what the fundamental pillars of the satanic belief are; disobedience and opposition to authority (13) . Satanism is understood essentially, therefore, as a rebellion against the religious, and also the political institutions: “God represents the institution par excellence, which is opposed because it is not recognized by the rebel angels who, not wanting to submit to the established divine law, which, at the same time, comes to lose those features of legitimacy which were acknowledged to it” (14) .
The opposition towards the Authorities, the love of sexual perversion, even if fundamental, are not the only aspects of Satanism. Added to them is another of even greater importance: the sentiment of fear. From 1000 to 1600, humanity is pervaded by a series of extremely negative events: wars, epidemics, plagues, etc. Man is terribly frightened by these catastrophes and begins to be more fearful of Evil (Satan) than of Good (God). He then begins to pay homage to it in order to free himself from his anxieties, drawing away from Christianity and its institutions because he no longer feels protected by them. Making a distinction between Satanism and similar phenomena, but at the same time, different, such as witchcraft (15) or demonic possession (16) , it should be said that the first case of true Satanism is found in the second half of the XVII Century, in France. It is the active group, present on the margins of the Court of Louis XIV, led by Catherine La Voisin who, with the help of catholic priests who had repudiated their faith, begin to celebrate the first “Black Masses” with not infrequent sacrifices of children, for the purpose of obtaining favours and material advantages.
The Satanist group of Voisin was destroyed by the repression conducted by the Chief of Police, De la Reynie, between 1679 and 1680, but in its wake – greatly strengthened by the press – satanic rites are celebrated in Italy in the 18th Century on the margins of the Quietist heresy (17) ; in England among the libertines of the St. Frances society (18) ; and perhaps, also in Russia (19) . This Satanism at the archaic stage – still primordial from the organizational point of view – was decisive for the origin of a sort of anti-Satanism, which tended to attribute to the occult actions of the followers of the Devil, two devastating events for the Christian world: the French Revolution and the great success of spiritualism (20) .
From1850 to 1890, a small Satanist movement was beginning to form in France and Belgium (21) . In this period an esoteric anti-Christian cult had also developed – known as “Palladism” (22) – founded by very high exponents of the Freemasonry (23) . The Palladists (24) were Freemasons at least of the 30° grade and managed, in a mysterious and occult way, all the Lodges, according to the known, but rather unreliable personage, Leo Taxil (25) ; they represented the intellectual summit of the Satanist culture, or better, of the adoration of Lucifer as the principle of secularism and enlightenment, which had in the “Hymn to Satan” by Carducci, its maximum poetical expression.
At the turn of the XIX and the XX Century an authentic satanism emerged – probably also for reactions to the provocation of the Taxil case – and precisely because it was such, was treated with indulgence and even sympathy by the press of the times. The Satanism of those years was very much influence by the figure of the celebrated “Black Magician”, Aleister Crowley (26) , whom should not be considered strictly as a Satanist because he was an atheist and, also, controversial with the contemporary Satanists; but at the same time, is considered a figure of reference and a continual source of inspirations and rituals for all of the Satanism of the last Century. At the end of the 20’s, also the figure of René Guénon emerges (27) , French Satanist and esotericist involved in the polemics relative to the publication, in 1929, of the volume “The Elected of the Dragon” (28) .
From 1930, the phase of the authentic contemporary Satanism begins, which originates with the underground Hollywood filmmaker, Kenneth Anger and with his friend and collaborator, Howard Stanton Levy, better known by the pseudonym of Anton Szandor La Vey. In 1961, they found an organization called the Magic Circle and subsequently, in 1966, the well-known Church of Satan (29) . In the tolerant years of the 60’s, Satanism became the fashion in California (30) and is received by the local media with a sympathy which, today, seems astonishing (31) .
In 1969, La Vey publishes the Satanic Bible and clarifies that the Church of Satan does not promote Evil as such, nor does it truly believe in the existence of the Devil (32) . It preaches anti-Christianity and a militant secularism dedicated to the exaltation of man who – freed from the concept of sin inculcated by the Christian religion – can live happily and prosper in total enjoyment of what life has to offer. La Vey – and in this he is much influenced by the atheist novelist, Ayn Rand (33) theorist of absolute capitalism – affirms that egoism, and not altruism is at the basis of personal and social happiness. The rites of La Vey, therefore, honour Satan in a totally symbolic way, in consideration of the circumstance that the organization founded by him does not believe that Satan really exists. In 1968, La Vey meets Michael Aquino (34) , who gradually becomes the principal organizer of the Church of Satan, achieving a recruitment of as many as 300 activists. At the beginning of the 70’s, the first disputes between the two leaders begin to arise, both of an ideological and organizational nature: Aquino starts to believe in the real and physical existence of Satan – which he prefers to call “Set” –, an entity with whom it is possible to enter into contact, conflicting, therefore, with the “rationalist” conception of La Vey. Furthermore, Aquinos remains tied to the locally organized model created by himself, a situation which is not shared by La Vey, who sees too many similarities with the traditional Church (35) . In 1975, these differences lead – with the foundation by Aquinos of the “Temple of Set” – to the first schism of the Church of Satan (36) . In the 70’s, another two organization worthy of note, operate on the Satanist scene: “The Process”, founded in London by R. de Grimston Moore (37) and the “Family” of the multi-murderer, Charles Manson, a group traceable to the world of the hippies and the criminal sub-culture, the contacts of which with the Satanist world – real, but peripheral – have been excessively overestimated. The “Family” of Charles Manson, in particular, became protagonist of barbarous and bloody episodes (38) , after which, other important trials in California followed, from which emerged other murders and crimes committed by members of the same Sect (39) .
The murders of Manson and the high journalistic exposure given to the Church of Satan were at the roots of the largest wave of anti-Satanism – occurring between 1980 and 1990 – of modern history. Within the anti-Satanist movement, two components are distinguished, one of a secularist nature and the other of a religious character: the first inspired, principally, by theories having a psychiatric and psychoanalytical provenance, founded on the factual reality of accounts from patients (40) ; the second, coming mostly from the protestant fundamentalist environment had gradually embraced the theory of the great conspiracy on the part of the Satanists (41) , accepting the accounts derived from some ‘survivors’ and finding traces of Satanism in Rock music, in a certain kind of literature and in certain role-play games. As was predictable – after a period of time in which there had been a certain kind of collaboration – the secularist current and the religious one opposed to Satanism, ended in the 90’s due to clashes between them; in a particular way on the subject of the existence of the Devil, obviously asserted by the religious and denied by the other. In the subsequent years until today, the theory of the great satanic conspiracy has fallen more and more into disrepute, while a new birth of Satanism has been observed: the Church of Satan (42) – which seemed reduced to the minimum in the 80’s – has returned to the fore with a rebirth, throughout the world, of new Satanic organizations, which are generally inspired by the “rationalist” philosophy of La Vey (43) .

Satanism and religious freedom in Italy

There have been different cases of Satanism in Italy which have greatly impressed public opinion, and arousing high interest in the mass media.One can start from the murder of Sister Maria Laura Mainetti, committed in June 2000 at Chiavenna, by three juvenile girls (44) to the crimes perpetrated by the “Beasts of Satan” in the Province of Varese, between 1998 to 2004, the bloodiest cases of Satanism which have ever happened in Italy (45) .
Also the most recent investigative hypotheses relative to the crimes of the so-called “Monster of Florence” were oriented towards the esoteric and satanic circuit, supported by numerous common elements in almost all of the murders: the places were always secluded, often woods, the nights were always characterized by the new moon; the killings were all committed in the summer months, in the days before holidays or on a Saturday etc. (46) .
The above mentioned cases of Satanism (47) were characterized by the commission of a high number of crimes (48) , furthermore, of blatantly serious entity, which, obviously found a “brake” in the Law – especially in the penalty provisions, – in the activity of the judiciary and the forces of law and order. There are, however, many cases in which the Satanists, although sharing a particular conception of the world totally opposed to the Christian one, and adopting a deviant liturgy compared to the Christian ethics, in carrying out their rites and ceremonies, do not commit any crimes. Therefore, we are dealing with a sort of “licit Satanism”, which enjoys the prerogatives reserved to the other religious dominations.
Religious freedom – apart from constituting a cardinal principle of the natural right (49) – is one of the fundamental guarantees recognized by the Italian Constitution. Article 19 of the Constitution (50) attributes to everyone the right to practice their own religious faith freely and in whatever form – individual or associated – and to propagate it. Article 20 (51) provides, instead, that the purpose of worship of any association whatsoever, cannot be cause for legislative limitations. The diction of “all” (52) is inclusive also of foreigners and stateless persons and does not regard exclusively a specific category of subjects. The same discourse is valid also for two other articles of the Constitution, which represent optimum support for the freedom of religion: Article 21 of the Constitution (53) apropos the faculty attributed – without distinction – to every individual, of manifesting his own thoughts freely, and Article 2 of the Constitution (54) regarding the recognition and guarantee of the inviolable rights of the person, either as a single or in the social formations where he expresses his personality. Article 3 of the Constitution (55) , otherwise known as the “principle of equality”, when it sustains «all citizens have equal social dignity and are equal before the Law, without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinion, social and personal conditions …», instead, refers to a single category of individuals: those who enjoy Italian citizenship (56) . The text continues......

(2) Translates into Italian with “tagliare” (cut) “troncare” (break-off) “staccare” (separate) etc.
(3) Barresi F., “Sette Religiose Criminali. Dal Satanismo criminale ai culti distruttivi”, (Religious Criminal Sects. From Satanism to the destructive cults). Ed. UP, Rome , 2000, pg. 19
(4) The examples in such sense are not lacking: they go from the case of “The Temple of the People” a sect guided by the Reverend Jones who, in November 1978, was the cause of the death of 912 human beings (the most dramatic collective suicide in contemporary history), to the facts of Wacko in Texas in 1993; to the case of the gas attack perpetrated on the 20th March 1995, by exponents of the Japanese neo-Buddhist movement, Aum Shinrikyo, against the Tokyo Subway; to the suicide of 39 members of the UFO cult, “Heaven’s Gate” in March 1997, at Rancho Santa Fe, in California; etc.
(5) The relationship between the leader and the follower reflects not so much a pyramid form as an inverted “T”, where only the leader is at the top and the followers are at the bottom.
(6) Singer. M.T. – Lalich. J., “Cults in our Midst”, Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1995.
(7) Usually money is collected with the excuse that it will be used for charities, but, in reality, it finishes (in the majority of cases) in the private patrimony of the leader; it is not rare in fact, that when a scandal erupts which involves the sect, it is discovered that the leader is the owner of various luxury automobiles, vast real estate and very costly objects.
(8) Ministry of the Interior Department of Public Security. “Religious Sects and new movements of ‘magic’ in Italy”, 1998. This source, even though somewhat outdated, constitutes, however, the most recent ‘official’ census of the phenomenon, made by an institutional source.
(9) Currently, these are the sects which are developing to greatest extent, today. Officially, they are the bearers of a programme for the improvement of the person and his lifestyle.
(10) More recent and more “substantial” information was issued by the National Anti-sect Service of the Pope John XXIII community Conference “Religious Freedom between Freedom and Manipulation” held at the Pontifical Lateran University of Rome in February 2011, in which also the Minister for Equal Opportunities, Mara Carfagna, participated. 10,000 people dedicated to the Satanic Cult, with 240,000 victims, and 8,000 groups active on the national territory. In last year alone (2011), the Green Number instituted by the Pope John XXIII community received 3,000 telephone calls, with as many requests for help: the phenomenon affects mainly the North with 43% of the reported cases – 31% the Center and 26% the South – and men and women in almost equal measure: 54% and 46% respectively. The age brackets are divided as follows: young people with 36%, adults with 44%, and seniors with 20%. For reference consult “Stalking to free oneself from the Sect – at conference with the Pope John XXIII Community” in published on the Network, 7th February 2011.
(11) The wickedness towards infants represents – for the Satanists – acts of fundamental importance for the closer approach to Evil. Currently, in Italy, an effective protection of minors against violence and sexual exploitation is assured by the Law 269 /1998 «Provisions against the exploitation of prostitution, pornography, sexual tourism to the damage of minors, as new forms of enslavement».
(12) Milton wrote the second and definitive edition of “Paradise Lost” in 1674.
(13) Lucifer, the most beautiful angel, and a sinner of pride, rebels and opposes the Creator. Therefore, after a celestial battle, for work of Jesus and Archangel St Michael, is relegated from Paradise to the chaos of the Hell.
(14) Barresi F., “Criminal Religious Sects: from Criminal Satanism to Destructive Cults”, EdUP Rome 2000, pg. 172.
(15) Witchcraft is an isolated cultural phenomenon and describable - in the history of religions and in popular traditions and folklore – as context of certain mythological schemes and behaviour and are presented on the margins of all historical religions and which are characterized for meanings and functions which are completely distinct from those that qualify the religious world, and for some aspects, from the magic world of the cultures in which the phenomenon is present.
(16) The cases of presume demonic possession represent a reality increasingly proposed by the media which supplies a knowledge of the phenomenon to the masses, even if it is, often, very unscientific.
(17) Quietism is a mystic doctrine which has the scope of indicating the way towards God and Christian perfection, consisting in a state of passive and confident quiet of the soul. Through a continuous state of quiet and union with God, the soul reaches a sort of mystic indifference until the individual comes to deny the common practices and liturgies of the traditional religion. The Quietist doctrine originated in Italy at the end of the 17th Century, thanks to the Spanish theologian, Miguel Molinos, and his principal work, “The Spiritual Guide” (1675). It was condemned by Pope Innocence XI, with the papal bull “Coelestis Pastor”, in 1687.
(18) Created by Sir Francis Dashwood (1708-1781); here Satanism is characterized by a playful, rationalist and ant-clerical stamp.
(19) Introvigne M, “Investigations into Satanism”. Satanisms and anti-Satanists from the 17th Century to our Times”. Mondatori, Milan 1994, pgs.21-63.
(20) One needs to distinguish between who interpreted that the direct action of the Devil was the determinant cause of the development of these two phenomena and, who, instead, had interpreted it as the product of the conspiracy of Satanist agents in the shadows. The subject has been treated with a good deal of seriousness in literature – especially in France, in the years between 1850 and 1860 – by a school of erudite Catholics: Jules Eudes de Mirville, Joseph Bizouard, Henri-Roger Gougenot des Mousseaux, even if their interpretation, today, would be easily subject to criticism. The literary work of these scholars were formed in the wake of the works of the German theologian, Johann Von Gorres and, sometimes, in contrast with his evaluations.
(21) The information on this movement - moreover, ambiguous and uncertain – comes from authors who, despite having investigated in the ambit of the Satanist subculture, often mixed imagination with reality. Among these – for the most part, Catholic visionaries excommunicated by Rome – should be mentioned Eugéne Vintras and his pupils, the priest, Joseph –Antoine Boullan, organizer of rituals of a perverted sexual nature, but not Satanist; the journalist Jules Bois, reliable source, but was himself involved in the occultist environment; the novelist, Joris-Karl Huysmans, whose efforts were more concerned with the creation of literary works than works of a scientific nature.
(22) Term appeared, for the first time, among the papers between Giuseppe Mazzini and Albert Pike.
(23)Known also as the Invisible or the Illuminated. The Freemasonry is characterized by a hierarchical structure ordered in degrees.
(24) Palladio (Palladium) refers to the icon or the image, the idol Baphomet of the Templars.
(25) LeoTaxil was a Freemasonic author of virulent anti-clerical works of a pornoBOSH character. In 1885 he announced his resounding conversation to Roman Catholicism which, subsequently, confessed that it was a simulation. Together with his friend – Doctor Bataille – they produced, over a very few years, dozens of works and thousands of pages in which they revealed the activities of the Palladists. It appears very probably that the production of Taxil was founded on a mixture of true and false documents.
(26) Aleister Crowley – whose real name was Edward Alexander Crowley – was born in Leamington Spa (near London) on the 12th September 1875 and died at Hastings on the 1st December 1947. He was an artist, poet, mystic, Alpinist, social critic and British occultist. He was a very controversial figure: by some considered the founder of modern occultism; by other, one of the greatest exponents of Satanism. On a par with Cagliostro, is held to be a key figure in the history of the new magic movements. The greatest attempt to create a “magic religion” in the contemporary epoch was attributed to him.
(27) René Jean-Marie –Joseph Guénon was born in Blois, the 15th November 1886 and died in Cairo on the 7th January 1951. He was a French writer. His studies were oriented to illustrate the symbolic, ritual and methodological patrimony of the spiritual traditions of the East and the West.
(28) The Elected of the Dragon was a Russian esotericist – Maria de Naglowska – very active in Paris in the period between the two World Wars and known also in Italy to have collaborated, among other things, with Julius Evola. In the 30’s Naglowska opened in Paris, the Temple of Satan, which was treated with benevolence by the Press of the epoch. Analogous tolerance by the Press was enjoyed in those same years, in California, by John Whiteside Parsons – engineer and scientist, particularly expert in the field of explosives – who elaborated the ideas of Crowley, changing them into a cult of the Anti-Christ. On this point, Introvigne can be consulted in “Investigations into Satanism. Satanisms and anti-Satanists from the 17th Century to our Times”. Mondatori, Milan, 1994, pages 216-262.
(29) Founded at San Francisco, USA, at mid-night on the 30th April 1966.
(30) One of the first adherents to the Church of Satan was the Hollywood star, Jayne Mansfield (1933-1967).
(31) La Vey was even engaged by Roman Polanski for the film “Rosemary’s Baby” (1968) based on the homonymous romance by Ira Levine.
(32) La Vey ( born in Chicago 11th April 1930, died in San Francisco on the 29th October 1997) was an exponent of the so-called “rationalist Satanism” in which the followers – although not absolutely believing in the supernatural – adopt the name Satan in opposition to the millenary Christian system, which they hold to be obscurantist and deleterious for man. With the “occultist Satanism, traditionalist or religious”, instead, the basic assumptions of the Bible are accepted, but one stands “on the other side”; here the follower shows himself to be really devoted to the Infernal Divinity, in which he sincerely believes. There exist also other types of satanic cults: the “Acid Satanism”, the “Luciferism”, the “Sexual Satanism”, the “Psychotic Satanism” etc.
(33) Ayn Rand – pseudonym of Alisa Zinov’evna Rosenbaum – born in St. Petersburg on the 2nd February 1905 and died in New York on 6th March 1982. She was a Russian writer and philosopher, naturalized American. Founder of the philosophical current of “Objectivism”: her philosophy and her fiction focused on the concepts of individualism, rational egoism and capitalism.
(34) He was an officer of the American counter-espionage who, unlike La Vey, could claim the advantage of a university education. His important work was the structuring of the Church of Satan in local units defined as “grottos”.
(35) La Vey wanted to distance himself from the model of the grottos because several local leaders were involved in varying problems of a legal nature. In fact, La Vey had always vaunted a scrupulous respect for the Law of the State, not to be confused with his contempt for the laws of morality and of other religions.
(36) Mastronardi, V.M; De Luca R; Fiori M; “Satanic Sects from witchcraft to the subliminal messages in the rock music, from the mysteries of the Monster of Florence to the Beasts of Satan”. Newton Compton publishers, Rome 2008, pg. 129.
(37) Presently reduced to a small group, but constructed around a particularly sophisticated satanic “theology”.
(38) On the 9th August 1969, four members of this group raided the house of the director, Roman Polanski and his wife, Sharon Tate at 10050 of Sky Drive in Beverly Hills, Polanski was not there, but his wife, nine months pregnant, and her four guests were literally massacred. Delusional writings were scrawled on the walls of the house and on the bodies in their own blood. Two days later, on the instigation of Manson, six followers of the “Family” killed the businessman, Leno La Bianca and his wife, in their house in Los Angeles, with much the same modality as used in the house of Polanski.
(39) The investigators, following the arrest for prostitution of a follower of the “Family” who had taken part in both the massacres, were able to reconstruct the dynamics of the murders and, consequently, to arrest the authors. On this point, one can consult Barresi F., “Criminal Religious Sects”. From criminal Satanism to the destructive cults, Publishers UP, EdUP, Rome 2000, pages 67-73.
(40) The so-called ‘survivors’ – former members of satanic sects – who, under hypnosis, remembered having undergone violence, in general, of a sexual nature.
(41) The so-called theory of the great satanic conspiracy is founded on the presupposition that the many existing satanic sects - in truth, highly diverse one from the other – are connected to a central organization, a sort of Satanic International, guided by a black anti-pope. This theory, with the passage of decades, has lost veracity to the point of being defined, today, as pure fantasy.
(42) The Church of Satan survived with great difficulty on the death of La Vey in 1997 and on subsequent disputes –also judicial – over his inheritance. The Church has undergone various schisms connected also to the divisions within the La Vey family and to the conflicts relative to his inheritance. At the present time, it recruits followers chiefly through correspondence.
(43) Parallel to the development of the “rationalist” Satanic philosophy, there has been a development of the “occultist” currents although with less intensity compared to the first. On this point Introvigne M, pages 321-393, can be consulted; work already cited, see footnotes 19 and 28.
(44) The three girls, Milena (17 years), Veronica (17 years) and Ambra (16 years) once they were imprisoned confessed to having killed the Sister in order to perform a sacrifice in honour of Satan. The searches made in the houses of the three adolescents confirmed this macabre version. Furthermore, the investigators learned of previous rites of a satanic matrix celebrated by the three girls before the murder of the Sister. On this point consult: Menegotta A., “Two Italian Martyrs of Satanism: Sister Maria Laura Mainetti and Don Giorgio Govoni” in, 2003.
(45) On this point consult: Moroni G., “The sham suicides of Satan. Now the victims are eight” in La Nazione, 16th July 2004 and Sansa F., (2004), “The last revelation of the Beasts of Satan. «Andrea knew everything, they hanged him» in La Repubblica 16th July 2004. In truth, the modalities with which the crimes of the Beasts of Satan were committed – use of firearms and blunt objects, inductions and simulations of suicide, etc., – are quite far from those typically satanic; however, the murderers and the victims themselves adopted demonic symbols and shared a sort of para-satanic mentality which, without a doubt, comes under the so-called “acid Satanism”. This is a type of satanic cult usually practiced by adolescent groups who prefer violent action and vandalism: they use drugs and conduct orgies, carry out desecrations and sacrificial rituals, etc., precisely because it is dedicated to practices which are typically deviant and criminal, it is considered one of the most dangerous of the typologies of demonic cult.
(46) These factors have precise meanings in the world of occultism and esotericism: the new moon, together with the full moon, is the ideal moment for the celebration of esoteric and satanic rites; Saturday recalls the Sabbath of the witches. Furthermore, in four of the eight double murders anatomical parts of the female victims were removed; this led the investigators and experts to think that the monster needed a trophy of the horrible acts performed, or also as a “magic instrument” to celebrate obscure rites. On this point, consult: Mastronardi V.M., De Luca R., Fiori M., - work already cited, see footnote 36.
(47) The best known cases have been listed – those which have most impressed public opinion – but in Italy, there have been also other criminal episodes of a satanic matrix: the mysterious death of Fabio Rapalli (31 years), which happened in 1996 in the province of Massa Carrara; the case of the “solitary Satanist”, David Zanotti of Arcola (La Spezia), arrested in August 1996, on charges of contempt and theft of corpses, violation of graves, destruction and looting etc.,.
(48) The classic crimes committed by Satanisms are: “the contempt of corpses” (Article 420 Criminal Code), “The destruction, removal or theft of corpses” (Article 411 Criminal Code), “The violation of graves” (Article 407 Criminal Code) “The vilification of tombs”(Article 408 Criminal Code), “Obscene act” (Article 527 Criminal Code) “Maltreatment in the family and child abuse” (Article 572 Criminal Code), “Sexual violence” (Article 609 bis Criminal Code), “Homicide” (Article 575 Criminal Code), “Theft” (Article 624 Criminal Code), “The killing or injury/damage of the animals of others” (Article 638 Criminal Code), “Blasphemy and outrageous manifestations towards the dead” (Article 724 Criminal Code) “The cheating of disabled persons” (Article 643 Criminal Code) etc., The criminal behaviour reported thus far, constitutes only a part of the Satanist conduct which can be concretized in offences of criminal relevance, for this reason , half way through the 90’s, an Office of Prevention responsible for the collection of data and information concerning this new kind of criminal typology was instituted at the Ministry of the Interior-Police Department.
(49) The theory of natural right postulates the existence of a series of eternal and unchangeable principles inscribed in human nature, to which is given the name “natural right”. Such principles – intrinsically just – represent an ideal model for the various rights to which these last must comply. The tradition of the natural right is one of the fundamentals of the Western civilization.
(50) Article 19 of the Italian Constitution «Everyone has the right to practice freely their own religious faith in whatever form – individual or associated – to propagate it and exercise worship in public or in private, provided it does not concern the practice of rites contrary to the public morality»
(51) Article 20 of the Italian Constitution «The ecclesiastic character and the purpose of religion or worship of an association or institution cannot be cause of special legislative limitations nor of special tax liens for its constitution, legal status or any form of activity».
(52) Particular reference to Art 19 of the Italian Constitution
(53) Article 21 of the Italian Constitution «Everyone has the right to manifest freely their own thought with the word, the written and any other method of diffusion. The Press cannot be subject to authorizations or censorship. In the case of crimes, procedure to seizure can be done only by warrant of the Court which the Law on the Press expressly authorizes, or in the case of violation of the norms which the Law itself prescribes for the indication of those responsible In such cases, when there is absolute urgency and a timely intervention of the Judicial Authorities is not possible, the seizure of the periodical Press can be performed b y officials of the Investigative Police, which must, immediately, and always within 24 hours make the report to the Judicial Authorities. If this is not validated within the subsequent 24 hours, the seizure is understood to be revoked and devoid of any effect. The Law can establish with norms of a general character, that the means of financing of the periodical Press be disclosed. The shows, and all other manifestations contrary to the public morality, are forbidden for Press publication. The Law established adequate provisions to prevent and suppress the violations».
(54) Article 2 of the Italian Constitution «The Republic recognizes and guarantees the inviolable rights of man, be it in the single or social formations where he expresses his personality and requires the fulfillment of the binding duties of political, economic and economic solidarity».
(55) Article 3 of the Italian Constitution «All citizens have equal social dignity and are equal before the Law, without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinion and social and personal conditions. It is the task of the Republic to remove the obstacles of a social and economic order, which, limiting de facto the freedom and equality of the citizens, impede the full development of the human person and the effective participation of all the workers in the political, economic and social organizations of the Country»
(56) Barresi F., “Criminal religious sects: From criminal Satanism to the destructive cults”. EdUP, Rome 2000, pgs. 145-147.