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Agenzia Informazioni
e Sicurezza Interna





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GNOSIS 4/2010

Giuseppe AMATO

Supreme Court Magistrate, presently State Prosecutor of Pinerolo; previously Deputy State Prosecutor District Anti-mafia of the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Rome. He's Member of the Scientific of the Superior Council of the Magistracy



Former consultant of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the problems of the non-proliferation under the Italian Presidency of the G8, he works on strategic studies


Alessandro BARCA

Diplomat, former Ambassador in Asia and Europe. He prefers to maintain a pseudonym


Gianluigi CESTA

Expert in communications, has collaborated with various study centers and is engaged in strategic, security and intelligence analysis. He is author of numerous studies and articles in the sector



Permanent external correspondent of this Review. He prefers to maintain a pseudonym


Giuliano D’AGNOLO

Vice President, from 2007tol 2010, of the National Committee for Biosecurity, the Biotechnologies and the Sciences of Life (CNBBSV) and is President of the work group, instituted by the same Committee, on Bio-security and Bio-terrorism


Raffaele D’AMELIO

Gen. Inspector of the Health Corp of the Military Aeronautics and Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Rome (La Sapienza), Faculty of Medicine and Psychology, and is Director of the Master of II Level in Analysis of the Risk and Management of the CBRN Emergencies


Emanuela C. DEL RE

Expert in questions on geopolitics, security and the Balkans. Professor at the University of Rome (La Sapienza) and is Editing Consultant for “Limes”. She is authoress of numerous works, among which “The Pan-European Passage n.8”, CeMiss 2002. She is President of EPOS International Negotiating and Mediating Operational Agency



Managing Director of the National Reference Center for Anthrax, Experimental Zoo prophylactic Institute of Puglia and the Basilicata



Veterinary Doctor specialized infectious diseases and molecular biology at the National Reference Center for Anthrax, Experimental Zoo prophylactic Institute of Puglia and the Basilicata


Maurizio IMPROTA

Executive of the State Police. He is Director of the Emmigration Office of the Rome Police Headquarters


Florigio LISTA

Col. Doctor of Medicine. He is Head of the Molecular Biology Section of the Center of Studies and Health Research of the Army. National Delegate for the biomedical research at the NATO Research and Technology Organization and the European Defence Agency. He is also author of numerous publications (peer reviewed) and author of the item “bioterrorism” for the Institute of the Italian Encyclopedia “Treccani”. He is Professor of General Pathology and Microbiology at the University of Rome (La Sapienza)


Francesco MENGOZZI

Senior Advisor of KPMG and Nomura and President of Protos SOA. He has held numerous posts, among which: 1989-1990, Finance Director of Italsta; 1991-1993 Financial Director of Iretecna; 1994, Director General of Iretecna; 1994-1996 Director General and then Delegate Administrator of Fintecna, Managing Director and Head of Infrastructure & Transportation of Lehman Brothers. Furthermore, he was Vice-President of Highways, President of Trenitalia and Member of Cda in Italy (among others: Airports of Rome, Urban Systems, Mededil, etc.,) and abroad (among others: Air France, Iata)


Carlo Domenico MOTTURA

Professor in the Faculty of Economy of the Rome Three University and is author of numerous publications



Journalist of the Corriere della Sera newspaper. He is expert in International terrorism and, in particular, of that terrorism connected with the Middle-East crisis. He is author of numerous publications, among which “Operation Hotel California”, Ed. Feltrinelli, and ‘’, Ed. BUR

Nicola PEDDE

Professor in International Relations at the ‘John Cabot University’ of Roma. He is Director of ‘Globe Research’ and is author of publications. Among which: ‘Geopolitics of energy’, Ed. Carocci and ‘Iran 1979. The Islamic Revolution’, Ed. Gam

Pierpaolo RIVELLO

Former Head Prosecutor at the Military Office of Prosecution of Turin and is, presently President of the Court of Military Surveillance of Rome. He has been Professor of Law and Military Criminal Procedure at numerous universities. He is author of publications in the principal Italian Judicial Reviews of the sector and has edited two volumes on military justice “Sources and Problems for History”


Executive Director in the Italian team of investment banking of Nomura. He is engaged in consultation to firms in the energy, natural resources and infrastructural sectors. He worked 10 years for Lehman Brothers at the London, Milan and Rome Offices, in the sectors of corporate finance /M&A and capital markets. Previously, he worked for the IMI Bank (Intesa Sanpaolo) and for the Guardia di Finanz

Antonio TETI

In charge of Technological-Informatics support of the General Direction of the University G. D’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara, where he also covers professorial assignments; he is Honorary President of the Italian Society of the Informatics and Technological Sciences (SISIT). and is a professional Member of the US Association for Computing Machinery and of the New York Academy of Sciences