Rivista italiana
Agenzia Informazioni
e Sicurezza Interna





Italiano Tutte le lingue Cerca i titoli o i testi con
GNOSIS 4/2010

This number opens with an interesting interview on the the social and economic situation of Italy placed in a more general EU context, while, in the Forum, experts will investigate the disturbing world of bioterrorism and discuss the relative measures of prevention and bio-defence. Most of the essays and articles are dedicated to the economy and, in particular: to the trend of the financial markets; the asymmetric dimension of the crisis; the strategies of infrastructural reform and, lastly, to the instruments intended to contrast the possible anomalies of the market. The immigration of minors, who are poised between exclusion and integration, and the rules of procedure in matters of the seizure of telematic correspondence precede the studies of an International character, dedicated to the phenomenon of foreign militant volunteers in Al Qaeda and, finally, to the NATO Summit held in Lisbon. The new area, dedicated to the “arguing” on current topics, which from this issue on will enrich the Columns Section, proposes: a document dated 1919, addressed to the Prefects of the Kingdom from the then President of the Council of Ministers; an anecdote, dating back to the 1st World War, on actions of sabotage perpetrated to the detriment of Italy; a reflection on the recent European Directive in the matter of Security strategies and, to close, reviews of some texts regarding the world of Intelligence. In conclusion, some considerations on the recent Law which has changed the penalties system in matters of road traffic security.

Francesco La Motta