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Agenzia Informazioni
e Sicurezza Interna





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GNOSIS 3/2009

Giuseppe AMATO

Attorney of the Republic of Pinerolo.



Expert in strategy and international relations. He is member of the Scientific Committee of the ‘Near East’’ Foundation and Quality Assurance Reviewer of the Rand Corporation. He cooperates with the Observatory of Strategic Scenarios and of the Security of Numism. He is author of “Beyond Iraq” – The axis of evil and weapons of mass destruction”, Publisher, Memori, and “The New Empires – The geopolitical map of the 21st Century”. Publisher Marsilio.



Permanent outside correspondent of the Gnosis Review. He prefers to conceal his identify under a pseudonym



Judge. Since 2002, has been District Attorney’s Assistant at the National Anti-mafia Direction and Professor of Criminal Procedure in the Faculty of Law at the University of Reggio Calabria


Emanuela C. DEL RE

Expert in questions of geopolitics, security and the Balkans, Professor at the University of Rome (La Sapienza) and Editorial Advisor of Limes. She is author of numerous essays and volumes, among which, “The Eighth Corridor”. She is President of EPOS, the International Negotiating and Mediating Operational Agency



Sociologist. Full Professor and Visiting Professor at many Universities. He is Member of the New York Academy of Sciences. Author of many texts and publications. He has collaborated with the major scientific reviews; at the moment, he directs the Sociological Review, which he founded in 1967


Luciana IZZO

Judge. Formally State Prosecutor at Juvenile Court of Naples. At present, she is Assistant State Prosecutor assigned to the specialized Group ‘Weak sectors’



Scholastic Executive in the Secondary School Institutes since 1989. At the present time, she performs the role of Supervisor and Coordinator of the training activities in the Degree Course in Science of the primary Formation at the Rome Three University of Studies



Full Professor of Sociology of Law at the University of Rome Sapienza



Journalist for the Corriere della Sera, is expert in the studies of international terrorism and, particularly, of that tied to the Middle-East crises. He is author of numerous publications, among which “Operation Hotel California”. Editor, Feltrinelli, and “”, Editor, BUR


Nicola PEDDE

Professor in International Relations at the John Cabot University of Rome. He is the Director of ‘Globe Research’ and is author of numerous publications, among which are “Geopolitics of the Energy”, Ed. Carocci, and “Iran 1979 –The Islamic Revolution”. Gam, 2009



Professor of Anti-recycling Legislation at the University of Reggio Calabria and of the Training Institutes of the Guardia di Finanza and of Economy of the Financial Brokers at the University of Florence. He was Member of the Ministerial Commission for the drafting of the anti-recycling Unified Code. He is President of the Italian Anti-recycling Association


Giuseppe ROMA

Architect. Director General of the CENSIS Foundation. He is Professor of Urban Management of the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Rome Three. He is Secretary General of the Association for the Italian Cities, RUR (Urban Network of the Representatives) and Vice-President of the ‘Fiera di Roma, S.p.A. He is author of numerous essays and publications


Giancarlo ROSSI

Journalist for RAI (Public Radio & Television Transmission) since 1990. He is special correspondent of the RAI news programme. He has followed the most important international political and Italian news events of the last decade, from the Iraq War to the refuse disposal emergency in Campania


Ilaria SOTIS

Journalist of the RAI Radio News since2001. Since 2003, she has conducted the RAI 1 Radio programme ‘The Radio is talking about it’


Antonio TETI

Responsible for the technical-informatics support of the ICTS (Information and Communication Technology Service) of the G. D’Annunzio University of Chieti. He is Professor of informatics at the University of Chieti-Pescara Teramo and of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Rome. He is Honorary President of the Italian Society of Informatics and Technological Sciences (SISIT)


Francesco ZACCARIA

Head of the Faculty of Economy of the University S. Pio V of Rome and President of the Iscona, Institute for the national Auditing. Since July, 2008, he has been a component of the College of Auditors of the Secretariat General of the Presidency of the Republic. Formerly Magistrate, in the role of the Regional Administrative Courts, in the years 1974 to 1983, he carried out intensive teaching activity at the Guardia di Finanza Academy and the Carabinieri Officers Academy of Rome