Rivista italiana
Agenzia Informazioni
e Sicurezza Interna





Italiano Tutte le lingue Cerca i titoli o i testi con
GNOSIS 3/2009

An interview granted by Professor Lamberto Cardia opens this number of Gnosis. Professor Cardia, as President of the National Commission for Companies and the Stock Exchange, analyses the delicate aspects inherent in the monitoring and the penalties activity with regard to the crisis of the financial system.
In Forum, experts and authorized personnel meet together to discuss the phenomenon of the juvenile discontent, evidencing causes and possible drifts.
For deeper studies of a national character, we offer the analysis of the Director General of CENSIS, Giuseppe Roma, on the threats and the fears that afflict our Society; the contributions of Professor Ranieri Razzante and Judge Giuseppe Amato, respectively, on the laws in force regarding usury and narcotic substances, as well as an interesting stocktaking article of the present ‘state of health’ of Cosa Nostra, by Doctor Alberto Cisterna of the National Anti-mafia Direction. Two articles of an economic character follow: the one, by Professor Francesco Zaccaria, on the Intelligence at the time of the free market; the other, an editorial contribution on the emerging phenomenon of the manipulations on the Stock Exchange.
For subjects of an international character, we present an analysis by the Editorial Office on the serious Afghan situation, and the contribution of Doctor Gianluca Ansalone on the ‘possible conflict’ sparked off by the impoverishment of the water resources, the pollution effect, the inconsiderate exploitation of the natural resources and the climatic changes. The two articles of a technological nature are dedicated to the wartime employment of soldiers who are increasingly ‘digitalized’ and to the ever increasing “phantom” aircrafts, as well as the process of the inter-activity between computer and man’s mental space. These articles are contributed by the journalist, Guido Olimpio and Professsor Antonio Teti, respectively.
As is customary, the Columns Section presents documents from the archives; stories, reviews and recent studies on the world of Intelligence.
To close, the pages of the ‘Chronologies’.

Francesco La Motta