Rivista italiana
Agenzia Informazioni
e Sicurezza Interna





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GNOSIS 4/2007

This number, the last of 2007, presents, apart from the changes already mentioned by our Director, some small graphical and editorial variations.
In line with our intent to offer a clear and thorough reading of the recent Intelligence Reform, we open the Review by presenting further qualified comments from the Councillor of State, Vittorio Stelo, from Judge Alberto Cisterna and from Professor Alessandro Corneli.
We are particularly honoured to publish the interview with the President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert PÖTTERING, granted to Professor Emmanuela C. Del Re, for Gnosis, in which some of the more delicate European problems are analyzed.
Forum, conducted by Doctor Alberto Intini, Director of the Scientific Police Services, tackles, with the contribution of some of the highest experts in the field, the complex and particularly current question of the DNA Memory Bank, also with respect to the specific regulations presently in the course of being approved.
The Essays and Articles section is dedicated to analyses of certain matters of international character which are of particular interest to Intelligence; such as the ‘Quaedist-style spontaneous cells’ and the ‘new face of Latin America’. Alternatively, on the domestic front, we propose some reflections on the question of ‘migratory flows’ and, as an editorial contribution, ‘the violence in the stadiums’, also in light of the recent related events recorded in the media.
In the Columns Section, as something new, the journalist, Fabrizio Feo presents a chronological list of the most significant arrests in organized crime over the last three months, annotated by individual analyses.
The section, ‘From the Archives to History’ offers a document, dated 1947, on the subject of juvenile delinquency.
Finally, the legendary Mata Hari, is the protagonist of ‘True stories, anecdotes and legends’, while ‘Reviews’ is dedicated to the ‘Pontecorvo Case’. And, in closing, Gnosis presents the last part of the Patriot Act, 2005.

Francesco La Motta