Rivista italiana
Agenzia Informazioni
e Sicurezza Interna





Italiano Tutte le lingue Cerca i titoli o i testi con
GNOSIS 3/2007

On the 3rd of August, 2007, Parliament passed the Law No. 124, on the ‘System of information for the Security of the Republic and new rules on the Secret of State’, which has profoundly renewed ‘the Intelligence section’ of our Country, with respect to the institutive Law No. 801, of October 24th, 1977. In this issue we publish the unabridged text of the Law and a precise and articulate reflection by Senator Enzo Bianco, President of Copaco (first permanent commission of constitutional affairs of the Senate), deferring further and qualified detailed comments to subsequent numbers of the Review.
The interview with the Anti-mafia Attorney General, Piero Grasso, by the journalist, Fabrizio Feo, opens this number of Gnosis. It is followed by the text of the conference held at our Training School, by Professor Donato Masciandaro, on the subject of the recycling of illicit capital.
Forum, prepared by Professor Emanuela C. Del Re, on the Balkan question enjoys the participation of some of the major international experts in the field.
The space dedicated to essays and articles offers, on the terrorism theme, the contribution of Judge Carlo Mastelloni on the story of the Movements and the armed struggle in Italy from 1968 to the present time, and a detailed examination by the journalist, Guido Olimpio, of the financing channels of the foreign terrorist organizations.
The editorial article is dedicated to the ‘ndrangheta with a detailed examination of the organizational, geo-conflicting and leadership aspects. The protection of the crucial public and private infra-structures with an end to national and international security is the subject treated, in a strictly technical key, by Professor Lusia Franchini. The columns section faces the theme of the mafia, with an account dedicated to the ‘Iron Prefect’, Cesare Mori which, compared to the speech of Mussolini, brings out ’ lights and shadows’ of the activities to contrast organized crime during the twenty year period of fascism.
And finally, on the subject of intelligence, we propose the reading of an affair, dated 1935, on the role played by the SIM (Military Information Service) at the time of the last Ethiopian Emperor, Hailè Selassiè, and the review of a text which reconstructs the story of the intelligence organizations since the times of Ramses the 2nd.
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