Rivista italiana
Agenzia Informazioni
e Sicurezza Interna





Italiano Tutte le lingue Cerca i titoli o i testi con
GNOSIS 2/2012

In presenting this number of the Review, I wish to extend an affectionate farewell to Prefect Giorgio Piccirillo with whom, in these last years, I have shared the editorial management of Gnosis. At the same time, I would like to welcome most warmly the new Director of the AISI, General of the Armed Corps of the Carabinieri, Arturo Esposito, who has entrusted me with the role of Managing Director of the Review. An honour that spurs me on to pursue, with dedication, the promotion of the ‘Intelligence culture’ in our Country for a growing and increasingly qualified relationship between the Information sector and the society.
In opening, we have the interview with the Director General of the Information Department of Security, Ambassador Giampiero Massolo, in which considerations are made on the Intelligence activities in an increasingly globalized world.
Forum follows, which is reserved to the extremisms and, more specifically, to their possible connection with ‘extreme’ fringes of the football fans.
The issue of security is the subject of two analytical essays: in the first is studied the increasing spread of digital currency managed by companies operating in the cyberspace; in the second, the possible strategies to be adopted for the protection of critical infrastructures are evaluated.
Two contributions for the Intelligence: one on the importance of the human factor in the increasingly technological world of espionage; the other on the very recent French Secret Service publication, which analyzes the methodologies of development of the informatics security at an industrial level.
And lastly, for criminality, we propose an in-depth analysis on the growing diffusion of the ‘we buy gold’ shops, usually, the preferred channels of recycling and of the phenomenon of the piracy.
For the Columns Section: A Chat with Renato Mannheimer which proposes some thoughts on Italy today according to recent surveys; an excursus on diplomatic relations between our Country and Egypt; the ‘Spending Review’ dated in the 30’s; an anecdote on the ‘Sauer Case’; the book reviews: ‘Secret war in Italy between 1940 and 1943’ and ‘The misuse of parceling out’. And, to close, a story: ‘A woman of the mafia’.

Francesco La Motta