Rivista italiana
Agenzia Informazioni
e Sicurezza Interna





Italiano Tutte le lingue Cerca i titoli o i testi con
GNOSIS 1/2012

Giuseppe AMATO

Supreme Court Magistrate, presently State Prosecutor of Pinerolo; previously Deputy State Prosecutor, Anti-mafia District of the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Rome. He was a component of the Scientific Committee of the Superior Council of the Magistracy



Consultant to the Presidency of the Republic and Professor at the Masters in Criminology and Strategic Science at the University of Rome (La Sapienza) and the Masters for correspondents in war areas ‘Maria Grazia Cutuli’. He is consultant to the United Nations Inter-regional Crime Research Institute, and author of the books “Beyond Iraq – The axis of evil and weapons of mass destruction”. Ed. Memori, “The New Empires – the geological map of the XXI Century”, Ed. Marsilio, “Twenty years without the Wall”. Ed. Fuoco



President of the ‘Bruno Buozzi’ Foundation and Professor at the School of Revenue Police of the Guardia di Finanza. He was Secretary General of the UIL and the UILM, Secretary General of the Ministry of Finance and of the PSI, as well as Senator of the Republic


Claudia BUGNO

He is President of the Management Committee of the Central Guarantee Fund for the PMIs from 2009. After a career which began in 2001 in Brussels, first at the European Commission and after, at the European Parliament, he brought his international experience to the Chamber of Commerce of Milan-Promos where, as Director of the territorial marketing Area, he promoted ventures for the attraction of foreign investments and promotion of the territory. Presently, he is also Director of the OIV- internal control of the Ministry of Economic Development


Gianluca CAMPANA

Officer of the Guardia di Finanza, he is Section Head of Income Taxes at the III Operations Division – Revenue Protection Office of the General Command



Permanent outside correspondent for this Review. He prefers to maintain a pseudonym to conceal his identity


Emanuela C. DEL RE

Expert in questions of security and geopolitics, Balkan and Caucasian conflicts; she is professor at the “Sapienza” and “Niccolò Cusano” Universities of Rome; is Editing Consultant for the Limes Review and authoress of numerous works, among which: “The Pan-European Passage N° 8” (CeMiSS 2002). She is President of EPOS, International Mediating and Negotiating Operational Agency


Gaetano DE VITO

President of the Anti-recycling Commission of the Order of the Accountants of Rome, and is Vice-President of the Italian Financial Association (AFIN). He also contributes to the economic daily, Il Sole 24 Ore and is author of numerous publications in fiscal matters



Deputy Director of the Inland Revenue Agency, and Central Director of the Administration, Planning and Control


Giovanni LO STORTO

Vice Director General of the LUISS University. Analyst and expert in the insurance sector. He was professor of Economy of the insurance companies. He has held numerous and prestigious posts, among which: Economic Adviser to the Minister of Defence; Member of the Administration Council of the Foundation for juridical-economy research on the non-profit agencies and organizations, and Member of the Administration Council of the press agency ASCA



Lawyer, he is Professor of Tax Law and Tax Procedural Law at the LUISS (Guido Carli) University of Rome. He was Chief Executive Officer of Metropolis SpA, society of services of the State Railways Group


Nicola PEDDE

Professor in International Relations at the ‘John Cabot University’ of Rome, he is Director of ‘Globe Research’ and is author of various publications, among which: “Geopolitics of Energy”, Ed. Carocci and “Iran 1979, The Islamic revolution”. Ed. Gan



Scholar of Economic Diplomacy and Professor of International Relations at the Federico II University of Naples. Professor at the Aeronautics Academy of Pozzuoli, he is author of monographs, essays and books, among which: Cooperazione e relazioni internazionali’, ‘La diplomazia italiana e i Paesi arabi dell’Oriente Mediterraneo’, ‘Amicizie mediterranee e interesse nazionale’, ‘L’Italia e il Mediterraneo orientale Ed. Franco Angeli and ‘Il ponte sul Mediterraneo’, Ed. Aspes



Professor of Financial Intermediation and Anti-recycling Legislation at the University of Bologna. Consultant for the Anti-mafia Parliamentary Commission. Member of the Body for keeping the Register of the financial agents and credit brokers. Contributor to the daily “Il Sole 24 Ore”. He is a component of the GIPAF, Interdisciplinary work group for the Administrative Prevention of Fraud on the payment cards. President of the AIRA, (Italian Association responsible for anti-recycling)



Medical Executive, he is Member of the Maxi-emergency of the San Raffaele Hospital of Milano Commission. Since 2005, he has carried out scientific activities and held conferences on NBC risk, medicine in terrorism and disasters. From 2007, he has been Member of the WADEM, World Association of Medicine in Disasters and Emergency. He is author of some 50 publications and 3 NATO books (Science for Peace)


Antonio TETI

He is in charge of the informatics technical support of the General Direction of the ‘G. D’Annunzio’ University of Chieti-Pescara, where he also carries out teaching assignments. He is expert in ICT Governance, ICT Security and Cyberspace Sciences; he has been professor in various Italian universities, among which, the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, the University of Teramo and the University of Calabria. He is author of numerous scientific publications



Psychologist and criminologist, he is Director of the Forensic Sciences Center of the Crime LAB