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GNOSIS 1/2011



Judge: since 2002, he has been Substitute Prosecutor at the National Anti-Mafia Direction and Professor of Criminal Procedure in the Faculty of Jurisprudence at the University of Reggio Calabria



Permanent external correspondent of the Gnosis Review. He prefers to conceal his identity behind a pseudonym


Emanuela C. DEL RE

Expert in questions of geopolitics, security and the Balkans. Professor at the University of Rome (La Sapienza) and is editing consultant of the “Limes” Review. She is author of many works, among which “Il Corridoio Paneuropeo N’ 8” (The Pan-European Passage N° 8). CeMiss 2002. She is President of EPOS, International Negotiating and Mediating Operational Agency


Luigi Vittorio FERRARIS

Diplomat from 1952 to 1987: was the Italian Ambassador at Bonn from 1980 al 1987, State Councillor from 1987 to 2000 and from 2000 Honorary President of the section of the Council of State. As a University Professor, he has taught in various universities: the Oriental of Naples, La Sapienza and LUISS of Rome. He is author of books on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on Venezuela and on Germany and about 400 essays and articles on the subjects of international relations and international politics



Sociologist, Professor and Visiting Professor at many universities. He is Member of the New York Academy of Sciences. Author of numerous texts and publications and has collaborated with the major scientific reviews; at present, he directs La Critica Sociologica, founded by him in 1967



Professor of Modern History at the University of Rome. Among his most recent works: Contro Cesare. Cristianesimo e totalitarismo nell’epoca dei fascismi, Publisher Feltrinelli. Né Stato né Nazione. Italiani Senza Meta. Publisher Laterza, Italiani senza padri. Intervista sul Risorgimento, Publisher Laterza, La Grande Italia, Publisher Laterza


Maria Immacolata MACIOTI

Professor of Institutions of Sociology and Sociology of Religion at the Faculty of Sociology of the University of Rome (La Sapienza). She is Editor -in- Chief of the Critica Sociologica Review. Among her publications: La disgregazione di una comunità urbana’, Publisher Siares, ‘Immigrati in Italia’, Publisher Laterza, ‘Il concetto di ruolo’, Publisher Laterza, ‘Sociologia generale. I processi sociali nelle società avanzate’, Publisher Guerini


Maria Gabriella PASQUALINI

Former Professor of History and Institutions of Mediterranean Africa and of the Near East at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Perugia and Palermo. She is Professor at the Officers’ School of the Carabinieri in Global Strategy and has held various conferences at the CASD. She is author of various publications and numerous essays



Retired Professor of History of International Relations at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, President of the Commission of the Foreign Ministry for the publication of Italian Diplomatic Documents. In 2011, his “17 marzo 1861. L'Inghilterra e l'Unità d'Italia" was published. Publisher Rubettino


Nicola PEDDE

Professor in International Relations at the ‘John Cabot University’ of Rome, he is Director of ‘Globe Research’ and author of publications, among which ‘Geopolitica dell’energia’, Publisher Carocci and ‘Iran 1979. La rivoluzione islamica’, Publisher Gam



Scholar of Economy Diplomacy and is Professor of History of International Relations at the University of Naples Federico II. Professor at the Aeronautics Academy of Pozzuoli and is author of monographs, essays and volumes, among which ‘Cooperazione e relazioni internazionali’, ‘La diplomazia italiana e i Paesi arabi dell’Oriente Mediterraneo’, ‘Amicizie mediterranee e interesse nazionale’, ‘L’Italia e il Mediterraneo orientale’, Publisher Franco Angeli



Professor of Modern History at the University of Rome (La Sapienza). He has collaborated for years with the newspapers “L’Espresso" and the "Corriere della Sera"; from 1994 he has been leader writer of "Il Messaggero". Author of numerous texts and has edited, with Vittorio Vidotto The History of Italy, in six volumes, Publisher Laterza. The same Laterza has published: Il riformismo impossibile e Il trasformismo come sistema. He is Member of the Board of Trustees for the celebrations of the 150th Anniversary of the Unification, and has edited, together with Vidotto, a collective volume on the National unification for the Institute of the Italian Encyclopedia


Antonio TETI

Director of the informatics tecnical support of the General Direction of the University G. D’Annunzio at Chieti-Pescara where he also teaches. He is Honorary President of the Italian Society of Informatics and technological Sciences (SISIT) and he is Professional Member of the Association for Computing Machinery and of the New York Academy of Sciences



Professor of Modern History at the University of Rome Tre. He is author of volumes and essays on the cultural, political and economic history of Europe and the United States from the 18th to the 20th Century. He collaborates on the cultural pages of the newspaper “Repubblica” and has recently published “Bella e Perduta. L’Italia del Risorgimento”. Publisher Laterza