Rivista italiana
Agenzia Informazioni
e Sicurezza Interna





Italiano Tutte le lingue Cerca i titoli o i testi con
GNOSIS 2/2010

We open this number with an interview with Valentina Colombo who, as a careful scholar of the ‘Islam planet’, offers an original and discerning interpretation of the role which the woman of that planet can carry out in the search for a balance between integration and tradition. In light of the recent ad hoc instituted national Agency, the subject Forum are the assets seized and confiscated from organized criminality, and the many and delicate problems which emerge connected to the management and assignation of such enormous assets. The Essays and Article section presents contributions which range from the fight against recycling, to the role of the economic Intelligence as guarantee of security, as well as, continuing the theme of Intelligence, to the powers entrusted to the Parliamentary Committee for the security of the Republic. Finally, on the international front, an analysis on the global Jihad poised between the past and the present, but, above all, fundamental element of a world scenario which is always more complex and in constant evolution. In the Sections, in the space dedicated to history, there are some curiosities on the first mission of the SIM in Saudi Arabia and on methods of encryption adopted by the Vatican in the times of Pope Pius VIII. For culture, certain new considerations on the new international terrorism scenarios of the Jihadist matrix, elaborated in the international report compiled by the ICSA Foundation. For a closer analysis of a more technological nature, we propose possible scenarios, albeit disturbing, which could be hidden behind a device of the latest generation,able to read the human mind. Lastly, in Appendix, the Italian version of the ‘voice’ on the systems of security, which will be published soon in the IPSA Encyclopedia of Political Science.

Francesco La Motta