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Agenzia Informazioni
e Sicurezza Interna





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GNOSIS 1/2010


Expert in strategy and International relations, and is member of the Scientific Committee of the Foundation ‘The Near East’ and ‘Monitoring Strategic Scenarios and Security of Currency. He is author of ‘Beyond Iraq – the axis of evil and the arms of mass destruction’ Editor Memori and of ‘The new empires – the geopolitical map of the 21st Century’, Editor Marsilio



Permanent outside correspondent of the Gnosis Review. He prefers to use a pseudonym to hide his identity



Judge: since 2002, he has been Substitute Prosecutor at the National Anti-Mafia Direction and Professor of Criminal Procedure in the Faculty of Jurisprudence at the University of Reggio Calabria


Emanuela C. DEL RE

Expert in questions of geopolitics, security and the Balkans. She is a professor at the University of Rome (La Sapienza) and Editorial Advisor of Limes Review. She is authoress of numerous essays and volumes, among which ‘The Pan-European Corridor N° 8’, CeMiss 2002. She is President of EPOS (The International Negotiating and Mediating Operational Agency).



Sociologist. Professor and Visiting Professor at many universities. He is Member of the New York Academy of Sciences. Author of numerous texts and publications, and has collaborated with the major scientific reviews; at the present time, he is Director of the 'La Critica sociologica', founded by him in 1967


Massimo ILARDI

Professor of Urban Sociology at the Faculty of Architecture of Ascoli Piceno of the University of Camerino. He was Director of the Gomorra Review and is author of various publications, among which ‘In the empty spaces of the metropolises’,.Editor Boringhieri and ‘In the name of the street.Liberty and violence’’,Editor, Meltemi


Michele LANNA

Researcher and Professor of Sociology of Law, of deviance and social change at the Second University of Studies of Napoli. President of the Aic Network, carries out activities of consulting and formation in matters of management conflict, analysis conflict and mediation, and is Director of the Italian Review of ‘Conflictology’, Among his publications; ‘Mediation, Systems and Culture. Reportage on the immigrant communities in Campania’, Ed. Melagrana; ‘Television violence and deviant behaviour’, Ed. Labrys


Maria Immacolata MACIOTI

Professor of Institutions of Sociology and of the Sociology of Religion at the Faculty of Sociology at the University of Rome (La Sapienza). She is Editor in Chief of the Review ‘Critica Sociologia’. Among her publications, ‘The break-up of an urban community’, ed. Siares, ‘Immigrants in Italy’’, ed. Laterza, ‘The concept of role’, ed. Laterza, ‘General Sociology. The social processes in the advanced societies’, ed. Guerini



Professor of Political Sociology at the Faculty of Sociology of the University of Rome (La Sapienza), where he also teaches Sociology of ethnic relations. He is author of numerous publications, among which; ‘International migrations, globalization and political cultures’, ed. Bruno Mondadori and ‘Le banlieue. Immigration and urban conflicts in Europe’, ed. Meltemi


Maria Gabriella PASQUALINI

Professor of History and Institutions of Mediterranean Africa and the Near East at the Political Science Faculty of the Universities of Perugia and Palermo, she now teaches Global Strategy at the Academy of Officials of the Carabinieri


Nicola PEDDE

Professor in International Relations at the John Cabot University of Rome; he is Director of “Globe Research” and is author of publications, among which Geopolitics of the Energy, Publisher, Carocci and Iran 1979 – The Islamic Revolution, Gam, 2009



Director of the Department of Studies and Research of the Bruno Leoni Institute. He is Member of the Italian Society of Physics. He collaborates with the newspapers, ‘Il Secolo XIX’ and ‘Libero’ and with the periodicals ‘Il Foglio’ and ‘Aspenia’. He is author of various publications, among which ‘Energy Security’, Ed. Rubettino.


Antonio TETI

In charge of the informatics technical support of the General Direction of the University G. D’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara where he also covers teaching assignments. He is Honorary President of the Italian Society of the Informatics and Technological Sciences (SISIT). He is Professional Member of the United States Association for Computing Machinery, and of the New York Academy of Sciences.