Rivista italiana
Agenzia Informazioni
e Sicurezza Interna





Italiano Tutte le lingue Cerca i titoli o i testi con
GNOSIS 1/2010

We open this number, the first of 2010, offering our readers a “memorandum” with the interviews, forums and the most significant articles presented by Gnosis last year. A “conversation” follows with the President of the Committee of Antiterrorism Strategic Analysis, in which we retrace the development and growth of this organism.
In Forum, instead, we investigate the complex reality of the suburbs which have become, by now, places with high vulnerability index and as such, needy of interventions aimed a guaranteeing acceptable security conditions.
The Essays and Articles section provides contributions which range from the business of online gaming to the delicate problem of the information circuit in the ambit of international cooperation, to the digital individual of the third millennium, as well as some specific insights in matters of environmental, energy and port security.
On the International front, the analysis of the present Somali situation,with particular attention to the delicate role of Italy. For the Columns section, in the space dedicated to history, some curiosity from the Museum of the Spies, in Washington, and interesting reflections on the mystery that still enshrouds the figure of Giordano Bruno. For the Culture section, a report on the ‘Chinese’ Intelligence, elaborated by the private American agency, Stratfor. And for the Reviews, two books that investigate less noble aspects of the human mind: the avidity of cheats and the contempt of terrorists for the lives of others.
Finally, in Appendix, the Report on ‘The current status and future prospects of the European Union’, presented by Senator Lamberto Dini, during the course of a recent international meeting.

Francesco La Motta