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Agenzia Informazioni
e Sicurezza Interna





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GNOSIS 2/2009

Domenico AIROMA

On the Bench since 1989, has served in the Public Prosecutor’s offices at Avellino and Naples, where he was assigned to the Anti-mafia District Direction. At the present time, he is Asst. State Prosecutor at the Public Prosecutor’s Office at Cosenza. From 2005to 2008, he was consultant to the Parliamentary Commission on the enquiry into the cycle of the refuse. He is expert on behalf of the Commission and the European Council in numerous programmes of judicial assistance, also in environmental matters, in the Balkan Countries and Central Asia.



Expert in strategy and international relations, is member of the scientific committee of the ‘The Near Orient’ Foundation and is Quality Assurance Reviewer of the Rand Corp. He cooperates with the Observatory of Strategic Scenarios and of the Security of Numism’. He is author of ”Oltre l’Iraq - L’asse del male e le armi di distruzione di massa Publisher, Memori, and “I nuovi Imperi - la mappa geopolitica del XXI secolo, Publisher Marsilio.


Attilio BEFERA

Director of the Revenues Agency and President of Equitalia S.p.a. where he was, from its constitution to September, 2008, Delegate Administrator. He has passed many years in the Finance Administration, first as Central Director of Collection of the Department of Revenues and subsequently, as Central Administration Director



Journalist, Director of the Limes Review and is among the top Italian experts in geopolitics



Permanent outside correspondent for the Gnosis Review. He prefers to conceal his identity under a pseudonym



Journalist, essayist and Intelligence analyst, was consultant to the Parliamentary Commission on the killings in the XIII Legislature and to the Mitrokhin Commission. He is Director in Charge of the D New newspaper. He is author of numerous publications, among which “La nuova guerra mondiale. Terrorismo e intelligence nei conflitti globali. Publisher, Sperling &Kupfer


Emanuela C. DEL RE

Expert in geopolitical questions, security and the Balkans. Professor at the University ‘Sapienza’ of Rome, is editorial advisor of Limes and authoress of numerous essays and volumes, among which “Il corridoio 8”. She is President ofEPOS International Negotiating and Mediating Operational Agency


Costantino FILIDORO

Professor of History of the Treaties and International Politics at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Trieste; Professor of History of Eastern Europe, International Relations and History of International Relations at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Urbino. Expert in Middle-Eastern problems, and author of numerous publications and speaker in various International Seminars



Member of the International Security Research and Intelligence Agency (ISRIA) of Paris and Consulting Advisor of the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) of Washington, he is member of the Institute of International Affaire (IAI) and Director of Research at the CEMIS



Full Professor of Sociology of Law at the University ‘Sapienza’ of Rome



Director of the External and Ceremonial Relations Office of the Secretariat of the Department of Public Securit



Principal of the Faculty of Science of Communication of the University ‘Sapienza’ of Rome, where he teaches Sociology of Communication. President of the National Conference of Principals of Science of Communication, and member of the CUN – National University Council and of the Superior Council of Communications. He was part of the Ministerial Commission for the T.V. frequencies. He is author of numerous publications



Esperto di Information Society, è Senior researchers presso il Centro Studi SMIT/IBBT della Libera Università di Bruxelles. Insegna presso Istituti e Università UE e USA



Journalist for the Corriere della Sera. He is an expert on international terrorism and, in particular, of that tied to the Middle East crises. He is the author of numerous publications, among which is “Operation Hotel California”, Feltrinelli, and “”, BUR


Maria Gabriella PASQUALINI

Professor of Mediterranean Africa and near East history at the Universities of Perugia and Palermo – Political science faculty, also teaches “Global Strategy” at the Carabinieri Academy and has been invited to speak at the CASD (High Defence Studies Centre). Author of a number of publications


Nicola PEDDE

Professor in International Relations at the University of Rome (La Sapienza) and at the John Cabot University. Director of ‘Globe Research’, and author of publications, among which is “Geopolitics of Energy”, Ed. Carocc



is an “Information Society” expert and Senior Researcher at the Centre of Studies SMIT/IBBT – Brussels “Free University”. He teaches in a number of EU and US Universities and Institutions