Rivista italiana
Agenzia Informazioni
e Sicurezza Interna





Italiano Tutte le lingue Cerca i titoli o i testi con
GNOSIS 2/2009

In this number ample space has been dedicated to the world of communication. The interview with the President of the Authority for guarantees in the communication, the Forum on the media and security, accompanied by a thorough examination, the article on the European information and, lastly, some documents from the Archives on the seizure of a periodical, to the dawn of the 20th Century, represent the excursus which, even if only on broad lines, approaches the delicate mechanisms which move a realty so complex and in continual evolution.
Among the other topics, we propose: the interview with the Director of the General Direction for the Cooperation to the Development, the contribution of the Director of The Revenues Agency in matters of fiscal Paradises and the article on the criminal management of the refuse market, written by a magistrate, expert in the sector.
For the analyses of international character: a study on food security as a challenge of the 21st Century; the mexican Question; the Caucasus hovering between military clash and diplomatic dialogue: NATO, sixty years from its inception, and immigration as an element of indirect strategy.
The Columns section proposes a recent report on the political effects of the present economic crisis and on the potential relapse in the security and stability ambit; the profile and story of Eli Cohen, the spy of Damascus; the review of the interview-book written by the National Anti-mafia Prosecutor and a noted journalist, and an account accompanies the chronology on organized crime, on the recent arrest on Spanish soil, of a camorra boss.
To conclude, in appendices, a report on the irregular migration from the African Countries, presented at a Conference held in Rome, last April.

Francesco La Motta