Rivista italiana
Agenzia Informazioni
e Sicurezza Interna





Italiano Tutte le lingue Cerca i titoli o i testi con
GNOSIS 1/2009

We open this number, the first of 2009, with the precious contribution of the Undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Honourable Gianni Letta, who, in his capacity as ‘Delegate Authority’ for the Security of the Republic discusses the recent Reform of the Intelligence sector.
Still on the subject of security, the interview granted by Professor Francesco Pizzetti, President of the Guarantor Authority for the protection of personal information analyzes the delicate aspects connected to the safeguard of privacy.
Forum examines, instead, through the opinions of experts of the sector, the strategy and the spontaneism of the new international terrorism.
The growing needs of security of the citizens is treated in a paper by Professor Pio Marconi, who proposes, also, new and interesting elements of evaluation.
Always in the national ambit, the mafia is protagonist in the contributions of two Magistrates who, from experience, know well the complex and tormented reality.
Africa, the foreign policies of the new American President, and a thorough analysis on the deviant intertwinement between deterrence and proliferation, are the themes dealt with in the articles of an international character, completed by an editorial contribution on the possible repercussions, in Italy, of the ‘Credit Default Swap’.
Starting from this number, the Columns are presented in a new graphic look, which permits a reading by subject, such as HISTORY, CULTURE and CHRONOLOGY.
In more detail, we propose: for ‘the History’, cases of secret collaboration on the common front of the fight against terrorism and the clamorous affair of a spy par excellence; for the ‘the Culture’, a very recent American study which gives the go-ahead to a new space dedicated expressly to the published Studies, in the quarterly, from Universities, Think Tanks and Research Centres on the Intelligence theme, which is also treated in the two reviewed texts; for ‘the Chronology’ of organized crime, finally, an account on ‘the end of Perseus’.

Francesco La Motta