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GNOSIS 4/2008

Giuseppe AMATO

Attorney at the Public Prosecutor’s Office at Pinerolo. He was a component of the Scientific Committee of the Superior Council of Judges and participated in the drafting of the new Code of Criminal Procedure in his capacity as member of the Commission instituted at the Ministry of Justice.


Natale ARGIRO'

Executive General of the Traffic Police. He was Regional Director of the Traffic Police Compartments of Calabria and Campagnia, Director of the Traffic Police Inspectorate, Viminale (the Italian Ministry of the Interior), in Rome, Questore (Officer in charge of Police Force) at Benevento, Reggio Emilia and Trieste. He is author of monographs and articles in matters of Criminal and Court Law, and traffic circulation Law.



Researcher in Labour Law and social security in the Faculty of Economy of the University of Studies at Rome ‘Tor Vergata’ and Professor in Labour Law in tele-didactic at the same university. She is author of numerous essays and articles on the labour market.



Permanent outside correspondent for the Gnosis Review. He prefers to conceal his identity under a pseudonym.


Emanuela C. DEL RE

Experts in questions of geopolitics, security and the Balkans. She is a professor at the University of Rome La Sapienza and Editorial Advisor of Limes. She is author if numerous essays and books among which “The 8th Corridor” (IL 8° Corridoio).


Raffaele FABOZZI

Lawyer and professor of Community Labour Law and of collective negotiation. He is researcher of Labour Law at the Faculty of Jurisprudence of the Luiss ‘Guido Carli’ University, member of the Administrator Committee of the ‘Fund of solidarity for the support of the income of the personnel already dependent on the autonomous Administration of the State Monopolies’. He is author of numerous publications.



Chief leader writer and associate writer of financial Times. He was foreign correspondent for the Middle East. In 2003, he won the David Watt prize for his writings on the Arab world.


Daniel GROS

Director of the Centre for European Policy Studies (Ceps) of Brussels. He has collaborated with the International Monetary Fund, with the European Union and with numerous Governments and Central Banks. He is author of numerous publications of an economic nature.



Professor of the Sociology of Law at the University of Rome – La Sapienza.


Alberto NEGRI

Journalist, foreign correspondent of the Sole 24 ore newspaper. He is an expert on the Middle East, Africa and the Balkans. He is a member of the Institute of Studies of International Politics (Ispi).



Journalist for the Corriere della Sera. He is an expert on international terrorism and, in particular, of that tied to the Middle East crises. He is the author of numerous publications, among which is “Operation Hotel California”, Feltrinelli, and “”, BUR.



Estonian economist. He is Chief Analyst of SEB Eesti Uhispank


Roberto PESSI

Lawyer. He is Principal of the Faculty of Jurisprudence of the LUISS ‘Guido Carli’ University, where he is professor of Labour Law, Social Security Law and Subsidiary Social Security Law. He is professor at the University of Studies of Rome, ‘Tor Vergata’ of Social Security Law. Member of the Administration of work of the Apostolic Seat. He is author of numerous essays, monographs and articles.


Valeria Fiorani PIACENTINI

Professor of History and Institutions of the Moslem world at the Catholic University of the Sacro Cuore of Milan. Director of the Research Centre of the South and Broadened Mediterranean (CRiSSMA). Author of numerous publications.


Antonio TETI

Responsible for the technical-informatics support of the ICTS (Information and Communication Technology Service) of the University G. D’Annunzio of Chieti. He is professor of Informatics at the University of Chieti-Pescara, Teramo and of the Catholic University of the Sacro Cuore of Rome. Honorary President of the Italian Society of Informatics and Technological Sciences (SISIT).


Adolfo URSO

Honourable Adolfo Urso is Under-Secretary of State of the Economic Development with delegation to the Foreign Commerce. Journalist and author of numerous essays among which “Euroglobal. Liberty, identity, integration”, Editor Marsilio.