Rivista italiana
Agenzia Informazioni
e Sicurezza Interna





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GNOSIS 4/2008

It is to the world of economy – seen in its vastness and complexity – that Gnosis dedicates part of the contributions of this number, the last of 2008. Commander General, Cosimo D’Arrigo of the Guardia di Finanza, describes, in the Interview , the most delicate tasks entrusted to his Corp to face the increasingly globalized economic system of today.
And it is the present economic crisis that is the subject of Forum , in which opinions are compared and exchanged between authoritative national and foreign experts.
Still on the same subject, the editorial article gives prominence to the role of China, new protagonist in the sphere of international finance while, for the section ‘From the Archives to History’ certain documents of the 30’s testify, in a kind of ‘systemic cyclical character’, to those factors which are common to the crises of yesterday and today.
On the domestic front, we present two contributions on the ‘security package’ , in which are expounded the innovations of the new discipline in the matter of immigration and counter-action to the phenomena of the diffused illegality.
On the international front, instead, the recent terrorist attack at Mumbai and the piracy of the third millennium are analyzed. The space dedicated to the articles closes with a technical-scientific contribution that individuates in data transmission, relayed through a complex microchip system applied to the human being, the new source of the infinite flow of information.
The sections ‘Anecdotes’ and ‘Book Reviews’ are devoted to the world of espionage: the first traces the events in the life of an anonymous watchmaker, a famous spy in the times of the Second World War; the second reviews two texts dedicated to the world of Intelligence.
The number closes with the Appendix which gather the synthesis of the expositions, in matters of Labour Law, elucidated by professors of the LUISS ‘Guido Carli’ University, during the Seminar held at our headquarters.

Francesco La Motta