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GNOSIS 3/2008
The control of the territory as guaranty of security

Interview with the "Carabinieri" Commander in Chief Gianfrancesco SIAZZU,

- Born in Forlì in 20.08.1941. Attended the Modena Military Academy and the School of Application Studies at Turin.
-Degree in strategic science.
- He has held numerous and prestigious posts, among which:
-Chief of Staff of the Division 4° "Carabinieri"
-Commander of the "Carabinieri"Region Sardegna.
-Commander of the "Carabinieri"Region Lazio
-Director of School Improvement Police
-Commander Interrregional "Carabinieri" "Pastrengo" Milano
-From the 6 July 2006 he assumed the post of Commander in Chief "Carabinieri"

During the course of his career, he has been awarded distinctions

The Institutions to which the defence of security is entrusted are submitted to pressing demands.
They are required to provide a penetrating control of the territory; multiplication of presence; vigilance; prevention; but also a renewed strategic commitment. They are called to strike the new types of criminality which grow with the globalization of the markets, with the great migratory movements and with the development of the applied sciences. Radical changes of the world market and technology have fed new threats, modifying the nature and danger of crime.
The new demand of security reveals alarm but also signals confidence. In the ten years of the ‘emergencies’ which have borne heavily on the Republic, the political system submitted the Institutions entrusted with the security to a constant demand of commitment in defence of the democracy and civil co-existence threatened by armed violence and organized crime. Today, the appeals are coming not only from the top, but also from the bottom , from the civil society, from the communities, not only from the centres, but also and, above all, from the suburbs. The requests increase the responsibilities, but manifest a legitimatization ‘from the bottom’, to which Armed Forces and Institutions of security, in a democratic system, must always aspire.
The tasks of the Investigative Police, those of prevention are, today, local and global. In certain cases, duties cross the national frontiers. The Carabinieri Corp is engaged in numerous missions of peace and protection of human rights. On the Commander of the Carabinieri weighs a task of great honour and equal responsibilities. He must (as established by the legislative Decree, No. 297 of October 5th, 2002, which re-ordered the Corp of the Carabinieri), in case of armed conflict or operations of aintaining/restoring peace, monitor the observance of the regulations of humanitarian international law. The duties relative to the domestic law are interwoven with those relative to the international law.The duties relative to the internal legality are interwoven with those of international legality.
On this and other topics, General Gianfrancesco Siazzu, Commander General of the Corp of the Carabinieri, answers our questions.

The Italian Society, but also the rest of the developed world, is affected by fear. After the end of the Cold War and the fall of the Berlin Wall, with the disappearance of curtains and borders, a rebirth of a mixture of global and local fear is present. Anxiety for the world dimension of the market. Anxiety for new unexpected political threats. Anxiety for the transformation of the characteristic features of the society in the system of the great migrations. Anxiety for everyday life. The fundamental instruments of guarantee of the security seem to have become ineffective. Mistrust does not assail only the institutional activities. Also the traditional places of security seem, today, to be transformed into theatres of threat. With the great urbanization of the second post-war period, the metropolis seemed to be the new theatre of risk. The peripheral community, vice versa, was considered as oasis of certainty. Today, the fears are born in the small communities. In Northern Italy, the periphery-urban structures, the peripheries, the small communities are living a season of insecurity, at times, fear. Why? Is it only perception? Or do structural motives exist?

The results of social studies conducted on the subject of the security confirm that the levels of fear have grown in recent years more than the quantitative data on the criminality. It is, however, evident that the social demand for security is always more conditioned by structural reasons. To understand the complexity we cannot prescind from certain considerations on the lines of tendency of the present socio-criminal dynamics.
A first aspect concerns the demographic developments. The most recent analyses have shown two principal tendencies in the evolution of the demographic distribution of the Country: the regression of the subway systems and the accentuated depopulation of certain geographic areas. In Italy, the “demographic weight” has progressively moved from the big cities towards the minor centres. Relative to a significant decrease in numbers of the residents of the townships with more than 50,000 inhabitants, an appreciable increase has been recorded of the populations in the towns between 5,000 and 20,000 inhabitants and in the hinterlands of the big cities. The formula that contrasted the “country” with its rural isolation, to the “city” as a place of opportunity, has lost all significance.
To the “internal migration”, also the foreign presence in the Country is correlated, which is concentrated precisely in the subways and suburban contexts. In Italy more than 2,900,000 resident foreigners are present, to which it is estimated that circa 500,000 irregulars must be added, and in the near future the Country will continue to be the destination of immigrants. The lawfully resident foreigners live in substantially isolated conditions on the margins of society. In this situation, especially the second generation of immigrants can incubate forms of aggressiveness and revenge to the point of pushing them towards deviant conduct able to fuel urban disorder.
Connected to the clandestine immigrants, on the contrary, are many delinquent phenomena. The foreign criminality is on the increase and is produced, essentially, by unlawfully entered subjects. In this regard, the criminal structures of foreign matrix show a growing operativeness, seeking operative alliances with the traditional national mafia associations.
These last continue to apply themselves, principally, to the aggression of the economic activities. The principal investments are realized in the areas of the central-north of the Country, but also abroad, thanks to the network of relations with the great “criminal networks”, principal protagonists of the illicit trans-national traffic.
The “global” aspects of the modern criminality find mirror-like correspondence in the “local” dimension of the security, with the hidden dangers brought in the form of street crimes or in those, not less hateful and dangerous: the violation of private houses. The “predatory” criminality remains among the principal delinquency phenomena, and its connection with the irregular immigration does not allow a forecast of a decrease.
The aspect is connected also to the increase of the wealth in certain regions of the Country, notably in the provinces, with particular reference to those of the north-east. In this case, the rapid transformation of the economic activities has introduced an abundance of wealth which, undoubtedly positive is in itself, is an element of attraction for the criminality and creates a fracture with the previous conditions of tranquillity, but also of major poverty.
On the other hand, the predatory criminality has changed its “codes”, increasing its aggressiveness with actions of disproportionate violence with respect to the goods it intends to steal. The authors of these crimes, apart from being, in the most part, irregular foreigners, are often habitual offenders. This observation if, in one way, leads to circumscribe the “criminal basin”, in another, it feeds mistrust which itself generates insecurity.
The problem of the perception of security is not posed only in terms of the “quantity” of fear, but is represented also from the point of view of the “quality” of fear. The citizens feel besieged by shock food like the mad cow or the brucellosis – by pollution of the territory and, not least, by the safety situation in the work place.

The “Neighbourhood Police” was considered a possible guarantee of security, a response to capillary and close range threats. The term ‘neighbourhood’ or ‘quarter’ is still tied to the urban or city dimension. Perhaps something more extended is necessary. In this respect, other than invent new figures; it could be an idea to revitalize already experimented structures. In the past the diffused organization of the Carabinieri Corp was considered as a risk to efficiency, a form of weakness, a sort of sentence on rurality. Today, vice versa, the diffusion of an organization over the territory could become a new opportunity of effectiveness. How does the peripheral structure of the Carabinieri Corp work? How does it tie-in with the local Institutions and the civil society? What is being done? What can be done?

The operative formula considered with the meaning of “ Police close by” in reality, is always at the base of the “model” realized by the Corp, since it is inseparably connected with the diffusion of the garrison structure, based on 44 Lieutenant Units and 4,624 Carabinieri Stations. These Units represent the “terminals” of the operative disposition, employed in the performance of all the public security services and in the investigations of the Investigative Police.
The Stations and the Lieutenant Units also create relations of direct and reciprocal acquaintance with the citizen, from which derives the exercise of an authentic “function of social reassurance” which completes the offer of security. Ultimately, these Units, far from representing a “walled garrison”, are seen by the population as an “asset” to each community, able to affect also the individual perception of the security.
To testify to this are the extraordinary results obtained by these Units, also in 2007, which launched 3,332,242 services onto the territory, reported 271,004 persons and carried out 52,861 arrests. It also testifies to the numerous requests, communicated through institutional, local and national representatives, for the constitution, or the strengthening of garrisons of the Carabinieri Corp.
Be that as it may, the necessity to respond, with always more effectiveness, to the mosaic of needs deriving from the growing demand for security has given rise to an articulated series of objectives which address the process of institutional innovation. Among these, we are counting on the modern concept of the “police of the community”, in which the indeclinable responsibilities of “government of the territory”, entrusted to the local administrations, harmonize with the responsibilities of “control of the territory, exactly the two Police Forces of general expertise, exploiting the calibrated capillarity of the territorial disposition and the intelligent utilization of the technological applications.
The Pacts for the security are an eloquent example. The value of these agreement lies, above all, in the recognition that the police intervention cannot show its full effectiveness if it is not accompanied by significant measures of territorial and social recovery by the local autonomies, to converge – in a positive homogenous view of the problems of the security – with the aim of improving the quality of life of the citizens.
Naturally, such measures may not obtain immediate effects and may necessitate an increase of the police activities in light of a possible sudden fresh upsurge of some criminal phenomena. In such ambit, the modules of joint intervention between the Police Forces and the Municipal Police Forces are activated.
More in general, the activity of the Forces of Law and Order must find concordance with those who exercise social, cultural and economic tutelage: from the local organizations, to scholastic institutes, to volunteer workers, to associations of categories (e.g. teachers etc.,) until an “informal control” is reached that each and every citizen can exercise, in relations of useful collaboration with the Police Forces.
The full adherence of the territorial disposition of the Corp to the administrative deployment favours this dialectic with the system of the local autonomies and with the networks of the social protagonists, who find in the Units of the Carabinieri, at the different levels, sure, qualified and constant reference points. In this framework, the Corp, always an integral part in the life of the community, poses the objective to participate with always greater frequency and with a role primarily directed to the strategies of “integrated security”, and to this end, the Commands will take active part in the different forms of cooperation developed on the territory, or rather, promote them through the Prefects, to whom the undertakings of cooperation between the State and the territorial autonomies owe their origins.

Alongside the local insecurity is the global one. The market and always new measures of financial transparency stimulate the use of electronic instruments of money circulation. But in this space and in this system the illicit and new risks to property are multiplied. The anti-crime challenge must be combined with a technological challenge. How can the informatics criminality be repressed? Above all, how can it be prevented?

With the purpose of adequately countering the “informatics crimes”, the Corp has adopted targeted measures finalized to increase the resources specifically destined to the sector.
The Corp seeks to constantly adjust its operative expertise to the rapid evolution of the scenario in question, to train the personnel employed in fighting the crimes committed in this particular context – distinctly specialized – and to acquire technologically sophisticated hardware and software equipment, able to keep a breast of the threats coming from the Net.

The attention that the Institution gives to the sector is testified by the inclusion of counteraction to the informatics fraud in the “Security Programme” elaborated by the General Command, a document that individuates the lines of priority intervention for the territorial Commands.
These lines of action converge on the general objective to underline the preventive function as the principal activity of the Police Force. The choice finds its foundation in the consideration that the action of opposition, even in its importance, cannot but express itself in the moment in which the crime has already been committed, spreading, however, alarm among the population.
With the objective, therefore, of investing in prevention and to help the citizen to better know his rights, and foresee and prevent dangerous situations, a site has been made available – – in the ambit of the section “advice” thematic, a specific area l gives suggestions on how to avoid the risks tied to the electronic commerce, and to avoid the possibility of falling victim to informatics crimes, or to the loss of personal information privacy.

The informatics threat is interwoven with that of the organized crime and of the trans-national crime. Are the existing structures sufficient for the repression and prevention? Or are new specialized structures necessary?

The Italian scenario sees the Police Forces facing a growing volume of investigations inherent in the informatics criminality. The increase of the phenomenon would suggest the creation of new specialized structures.
Nevertheless, the material, strictly connected with the general thematic of the Communications Police, must be faced in the ambit of a complex normative system, in which the State Police, through the Communications and Postal Police, and the Guardia di Finanza, as the Police Force of general expertise in matters regarding economic and financial police, are recognized as primary, but not exclusive expertise.
However, the prevention and repression of the illicit conduct committed by means of the Net – ascertaining the neutrality of the technological means compared to the nature of the fact – could be developed by all the Police Forces.
In this context, we have strengthened the Unit of Informatics Technologies of the Carabinieri Group of Scientific Investigations, which takes care of the verifications on material of high technology, and the Investigations Techniques Unit of the Special Operative Group, to which have been attributed, in the informatics field, tasks of support to the connected investigative activities respectively, with the elaboration of the information obtainable from the acquired material during the investigations and with counter activity created by the anti-crime chain.
Contextually, specific courses in matters of “Special Electronics Investigations” have been activated, for the purpose of being able to dispose of, at each Provincial Command, personnel qualified in techniques of opposition to the informatics crime.
Furthermore, in the broadest context of qualitative reinforcement of the investigative activity, to which follow the organizational measures for the constitution of the Superior Institute of Investigative Techniques, operative from the 27th October, special training modules for the personnel employed in operative assignments have been provided, also in order to overcome the problem of technical updating in a delicate sector that is in continual and rapid development.

The organized crime in Italy has suffered heavy blows. But there are signs of revival Is an evaluation possible, today, of the operational effectiveness of the large groups of organized crime: mafia, camorra, ‘ndrangheta? In the analyses on the mafia, various phases are mentioned: rural, construction, contract work, and financial. Each one having specific characteristics. Is it possible, today, to speak of an organized criminality that operates in the context and with instruments of the globalization?

The investigative pressure exercised by the Police Force over the years has, certainly, inflicted hard blows on the Mafioso criminality, often arriving at the complete dislocation of important criminal structures. Nevertheless, the criminal structures have demonstrated possession of extraordinary re-organizational capacity, which is able to put in motion and complete drastic new arrangements within their organization, finalized to strategies of “low profile” and to the diversification of their illicit interests.
In such dimension, the process of globalization that has developed in recent years has, in a certain way, favoured the formation of “environmental conditions” so much as to ease the development of the criminal associations operative on a trans-national scale. It should be considered, among other things, that other incentives to the continuation of this criminal trend exist, among which the existing lack of homogeneity between the various Countries stands out. Furthermore, enjoying the effects of globalization, the mafia structures, alongside the traditional forms of delinquency, have been progressively attracted by more important illicit ambits, such as narco-traffic and the impact of the economic-entrepreneurial fabric.
In particular, among the mafia-type criminal groups, the ‘ndrangheta draws investigative attention for its marked trans-national connotation in the traffic of narcotic substances, a sector in which, thanks to the consolidated relations established by the Calabrian groups with the cartels active in the production areas, the organization has risen to be a reference point also for the other criminal associations. Confirmation, in this sense, comes from the capture in Canada, 8th August, 2008, of the fugitive, Giuseppe COLUCCIO – on the list of the 30 most dangerous wanted subjects - who was able to manage an important traffic of cocaine between South America, Canada and Europe.

Does the penetration from abroad of the organized crime multiply the threats in Italy? What are the causes? Is it the global economy? Is it because of an over-permissive legislation? Is there a risk of a connection of the foreign mafia with the criminal organizations rooted in the national social fabric?

The organized criminality of an ethnic matrix has consolidated, in recent years, its presence throughout the entire national territory and, adjusting itself to the globalization of the markets and to the levelling of the frontiers, has progressively accentuated its trans-national character.
The foreign criminal groups that have settled in our Country have gradually increased their criminal expertise, exploiting the illegal circuits of the activities connected with the clandestine migration. Furthermore, following the development of the EC panorama, with particular reference to the opening to the East of the EU, a consolidation of the operative spaces occupied by the foreign criminal element has been registered.
Much has been done at the regulative level to tighten the measures finalized to countering this criminal phenomenon. However, of fundamental importance in this sector are the bi-lateral agreements with those Countries that do not oppose particular measures to stop the considerable migratory flows, which, as is known, constitute a privileged basin from which the criminal factions draw. Moreover, the Corp sees, with particular favour, the realization of the national Data Bank of the DNA, an instrument which will considerably increase the possibility of identifying the authors of crimes, especially when it concerns foreigners.
Having expanded their “specialization” in delinquent ambits relative to the trans-national interests of the groups committed to the trade and exploitation of human beings, and to drug trafficking, the so-called “new mafias” have established connections with the autochthonous mafia factions. These elements of collaboration have manifested themselves with different modalities according to the territorial area and the elicit ends pursued. In particular, in the centre-north of the Country, the foreign associations have acquired a leading position in narcotics trafficking and in the trade of persons intended for various forms of exploitation. In the South, instead, the ethnic factions remain under the influence of the traditional mafia factions, which, until now, have not allowed autonomous action, except in the sectors of clandestine immigration and exploitation of prostitution.

Today, in Italy, there is a strong reaction from the civil society against crime and against the earnings that the mafia-type criminality have enjoyed. The phenomenon is, perhaps late, but certainly positive. What can be done to give incentive to this attitude? How can safety be guaranteed, in a diffused way, on the territory, to those who break the ‘code of silence’ (omertà) and free themselves from the logic of silence and fear?

The reaction of the civil society to the strangle-hold of the organized criminality on the economic, commercial and entrepreneurial activities, documented by recent and encouraging initiatives of Confindustria and some Unions, is confirmed by the operative results in possession of the Corp and constitute tangible signs of a renewed civic vigour by operators of the world of commerce and business.
To favour such decent behaviour, the State has provided for the allotment of anti-usury and anti-extortion funds. Furthermore, under a legislative profile, the new regulations on the “Witnesses of Justice” – which provides for greater protection relative to risks of retaliation from the delinquent associations – is progressively permitting a greater visibility of the State and the Institutions, above all, in the areas in which the criminal incidence makes itself more felt.
Furthermore, the Corp, in cooperation with the other Police Forces, are developing numerous activities in support of the victims of usury and of the racket – typical crimes of the mafia-type criminal phenomena
At a central level, the Corp is participating in the activities of the Special Commission of the Government for the Coordination of the anti-racket and anti-usury initiatives, furnishing its own contribution of analyses to the permanent Observatory of these phenomena. At a peripheral level, in various provinces, the Carabinieri have launched operative undertakings of collaboration with the entrepreneurial world, to impede extortion attempts or infiltration by the organized criminality. Among the most recent, I cite the programme of cooperation between the Neapolitan Builders and Construction Association and the Provincial Command of the Neapolitan Provincial Capital.
Lastly, must be noted the institution at the Prefectures of the “anti-racket, anti-usury minipool” with functions of support to the Provincial Authorities of Public Security for the application procedures for access to the Fund of Solidarity for the victims of usury and extortion crimes.
All this can contribute to the creation of suitable environmental conditions to develop that civic sense and that culture of respect for the rules, which are the basis of any peaceful coexistence characterized by progress.

The Carabinieri Corp has known how to combine its presence on the diffused territory with the creation of highly specialized bodies. Bodies concerned with specific illicit forms. The Art. 16. of the Legislative Decree, 5th October, 2000, provides for the institution of Units dedicated, as first priority, to the fulfilment of particular tasks or tasks of elevated specialization. Special groups have favoured the success of the struggle against political violence and against the mafias. Has not the moment come to hypothesize a structure dedicated specifically to trans-national criminality? A structure with strong cognitive abilities (linguistic, criminological, anthropological) and of adequate technologies.

With the objective of guaranteeing high qualitative standards in countering the more structured forms of criminality, the Corp of the Carabinieri has made specific choices of specialization, instituting dedicated Units and developing distinctive professionalism. The Carabinieri R.O.S, (Special Operative Group) for example, develop the investigations on the more articulated structures in the ambits of organized crime, terrorism and subversion. An essential contribution is furnished by the Carabinieri R.I.S. (Scientific Investigations Group) which supports the territorial Commands for the execution of technical investigations. A further contribution is developed by the Units that operate in the so-called compartments of speciality for the safeguard of general community interests, (environment, health, work and cultural patrimony) and specifics of the State (anti-monetary falsification and agricultural policies).
In another direction, in the ambit of international Police cooperation, the Italian System entrusts to the Secretary of the Interior the development of the European Community and international relations through the Department of Public Security, which operates with two services, in whose activities also the Carabinieri Corp participates, both being an inter-force composition: at a strategic level, the Service II of the Office for the Coordination and Planning of the Police Forces: on a directly operative level, the Service for the International Cooperation of Police. In this framework, the Carabinieri Corp guarantees its contribution also in the most important fora of international cooperation.
The described organizational system constitutes testimony of the efficiency of the present model of coordination which concretely valorises the synergies between the Police Forces also in the international fora.

In recent years, the Corp of the Carabinieri has played an important role outside of the national borders, in defence of peace and democracy. An above-national activity which expressed itself in presence in the peace missions, in the work of support and police training, in surveillance of the defence of fundamental human rights. Art. 5 of the Legislative Decree, 5th October, 2000, provides that the Corp participate in operations for the maintenance/re-establishment of the peace and international security and contribute to the activities promoted by the international community, directed to the reconstitution of the Police Corps. New heavy responsibilities weight on the Corp of the Carabinieri in matters of the defence of the international legality and human rights. How have the Corp operated in this direction? What structures have the Carabinieri provide for itself? What training in human rights has there been for the Carabinieri? - for the Carabinieri in global legality.

The consolidation of the traditional presence of the Corp in the context of multi-national training has suggested the training of the personnel to employ in the peace maintenance missions, to which the Centre of Training of the 2^ Mobile Brigade is delegated, the Great Unity that groups the Units dedicated to the employment in the international missions.
Here, the military of the Corp are subjected to a particular training procedure hinged on two distinct phases: the first, of “certification for employment abroad”; the second, of “pre-mission up-dating and amalgam”. The course aims at following a close examination of the aspects connected to the humanitarian law and the defence of human rights, and in addition to this, to the consolidation of the technical-professional preparation of the participants, in relation to the many and complex aspects connected with the delicate assignment that they must execute.
Furthermore, the Corp has always reserved ample space for the study of the Rights of Man and of the Humanitarian Law, in the context of the didactic programmes taught at all the Institutes of basic training and favouring the participation in these special courses, among which those organized by the International Institute of Humanitarian Law in San Remo and by the Italian Red Cross.
The investment in the training has found a corollary of value in an ample institutional project, directed to the re-construction of the local Forces of Security in the operational theatres.
In Iraq, where in the ambit of the “NATO Training Mission – Iraq”, a nucleus of military of the 2^ Mobile Brigade, under the command of a Colonel, has been employed since the month of September, 2007, in Baghdad, with the task of training the Iraq National Police. In Afghanistan, where the Corp participates in the “EUPOL Afghanistan” mission, with the tasks of monitoring and mentoring of the National Afghan Police. The commitment is completed by the cycles of training recently launched in favour of the Afghan National Civil Order Police (A.N.C.O.P). In the Kosovan theatre, where alongside the functions of public security assured by a M.S.U. Regiment, the Corp supports the efficiency of the local Police Corps, starting from the training of the personnel.
The experience matured in the operational theatres has inspired also the project of the Centre of Excellency for the Stability Police Units (CoESPU) which, three years from its institution, has become a prestigious international reference point for the training of military to be employed in peace missions. The Centre, directed by an Official General of the Corp, aims to favour the direct involvement of the Countries interested in assuring conditions of peace in the areas of crisis, overcoming the difficulties that emerged within the International Community, to sustain long lasting interventions. Today, there are 1,468 trained Units originating from Cameroon, Jordan, Kenya, India, and Indonesia. Morocco, Pakistan, Senegal, Serbia, Nigeria, Ukraine, Mali and Romania.
Finally, I take pleasure in citing the project of twinning (PHARE) in favour of the Turkish Gendarmerie, underway from the month of October, financed by the EU and addressed to the training and to the implementation of the application of human rights in the police activities of that Institution. The project is included within the most ample process of democratization of the Turkish Institutions sought by the European Commission and by the Council of Europe.
In conclusion, the Corp of the Carabinieri, thanks to the noteworthy profuse effort in the training and constant up-dating of its personnel in matters of human rights and global legality, is one of the few Police Forces of military status in the international context able to express all the gamma of police expertise for the different levels of crisis in the destabilized areas. The specific experience matured constitutes a unique heritage of its kind, which endows the national military instrument with exclusive expertise not possessed by the Armed Forces of other Countries.