Rivista italiana
Agenzia Informazioni
e Sicurezza Interna





Italiano Tutte le lingue Cerca i titoli o i testi con
GNOSIS 3/2008

Continuing in our series of meetings with heads of the Institutional Structures entrusted with the defence of the security of our Country, we propose, as an introduction, the Interview granted to us by the Commander General of the Carabinieri, (the Italian Military Police), Gianfrancesco Siazzu who, with extreme clarity and incisiveness, explains the territorial control strategies adopted by the Corp, to guarantee the security of the citizen.
Forum, instead, considers the current and very complex problems relative to the world of football and, more specifically, to the Ultrà hooliganism. Analyzing the phenomenon in its different components, experts of various sectors attempt to supply practicable solutions for the management of such an easily violent and, sometimes, uncontrollable reality.
Of a more technical nature is the contribution on the subject of ‘Mafioso insider trading’, and that on the recent European Union regulations relative to the protection from possible attacks of the ‘critical Infrastructures’, while it is to esotericism and, in particular, to the Satanic Sects in their most obscure and disturbing manifestations that the editorial article is dedicated.
On the foreign front, by contrast, we present two articles: one on the post-Olympic China; the other on the hypothesized crisis of the Al Qaeda terrorist organization. Next, in the Columns section, an affair connected with the world of espionage in the Cold War period, and in the Book Reviews, two volumes that narrate a century of history of the Italian Intelligence.
The proposed documents from the Archives testify, on the contrary, to the disconcerting affinity between episodes of the past, tied to the world of football fans and the reality of today, amply treated in Forum.
Finally, to close this number of Gnosis, a ‘redolent and also a little colourful’ account of the arrest of Francesco Pelle, Boss of the ‘ndrangheta.

Francesco La Motta