Rivista italiana
Agenzia Informazioni
e Sicurezza Interna





Italiano Tutte le lingue Cerca i titoli o i testi con
GNOSIS 2/2008

Before the usual presentation of the Review, I would like to extend a sincere and affectionate greeting of welcome to the new Director of the AISI, Prefect Giorgio Piccirillo, whom I thank for the renewed confidence accorded to me as Manager of Gnosis. This number opens with a contribution by Professor Paolo Pisa who, in the continuation of the analytical examination dedicated to the Intelligence Reform, considers it from the viewpoint of the ‘State secret’.
It is followed by the Interview granted to Professor Pio Marconi by Carlo Mosca who, as Prefect of the Capital, describes with extreme incisiveness and clarity, the new governmental functions entrusted to the Prefects of the large urban centres.
The problems inherent to the energy security, and the possible repercussions on the Intelligence world, are the subjects of discussion in Forum, conducted by Professor Giovanni Ercolani who, in his detailed article proposes, also, a world interpretation.
It is to the development of Islamic finance in our Country, with a balance between costs and opportunities, that the editorial contribution is dedicated, while, to the boundless and mysterious Black Continent, entrapped between the past and new future challenges, the analysis of Admiral Mario Rino Me is addressed.
The informatics security and the role of the ‘Internet Centres’ in the battle of Intelligence is treated in the article by Professor Alessandro Zanasi: the complex and obscure world which gravitates around the business of recycling of dirty money, is, on the contrary, at the centre of the investigation by Professor Ranieri Razzante.
On the theme of organized crime, we propose an article by the journalist, Attilio Bolzoni, on the new face of the city of Palermo and a editorial contribution on the role of the woman in the Sicilian organized mafia bands (cosche), which accompanies the Column dedicated to the chronology of organized crime.
The crime of State in the times of the Serenissima and the problem of the finding of energy resources in Italy from the first years of the 20th Century, are the subjects of the section ‘True stories, anecdotes and legends’ and ‘From the Archives to History’. Finally, the Book Review is dedicated to the book’ by Guido Olimpio, which describes the ‘nebulous terror’ in its least known aspects.

Francesco La Motta