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Agenzia Informazioni
e Sicurezza Interna





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GNOSIS 2/2007

Gnosis offers some interesting news: interviews from italian and foreign “personalities”, conferences – organized by our Academy with experts in fields of interest – and a new section on Intelligence situations of the past.
We are particularly glad to open this issue with an interview, given to Professor Pio Marconi, by the former President of the Republic Francesco Cossiga, who, with his usual precision, incisiveness and ability to “hit the note”, analyzes one of the most delicate years of the recent past of our Country:1977.
Organized crime is the main topic of this issue: in the Forum, in fact, the reader will find an in-depth analysis of the complexed matter of the seizure of assets of the Mafia; furthermore, in his conference, the former national Anti-mafia D.A., Piero Luigi Vigna, outlines the evolution of the Mafia enterpries, and, last but not least, an assessment on drug trafficking is offered by the debate between a R.A.I. journalist and the Colombian Vice President.
Justice Amato focuses on the role of the undercover agent during trial, while the international topics concern the problem of a common EU policy against terrorism and the description of a potential terrorist’s profile.
We also offer, in this issue, a presentation on the phenomenon of delocalization and, in the “Historic Archive”, a document dated 1915 concerning the problem of security in the air.
In the section “ True stories, anecdotes and legends”, the reader, going through the complexed question of “bleuite”, will find an eagle-eye view of the Algerian War.
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