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Agenzia Informazioni
e Sicurezza Interna





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GNOSIS 1/2007

In assuming the post of new Director for this Review, I would like to extend cordial greetings to all our readers.
As is customary, the opening of this issue is dedicated to the Inauguration of the Academic Year of the SISDe School, with the participation of the Director of Service, of Professor Renzo Guolo, teacher of Sociology of Islam, at the University of Turin, and Vice Minister of the Interior, the Honourable Marco Minniti.
The leading theme of Forum, which sees the prestigious participation of representatives from the academic world, politics, journalism and the magistracy, is the ‘camorra’, with all its devastating effects in both the social and economic areas. The subject is treated also in the sections “Stories of Casa Nostra”, “From the Archives to History” and the book reviews, in which this complex criminal reality is looked at also from its historical and literary aspects.
The opening article is a precise reflection on the Reform of the Secret Services, presently being debated in Parliament, contributed by the President of the Parliamentary Committee for the Information and Security Services.
Particular attention is then given to the “Income of Citizenship” which, for the variegated antagonist world, could represent a possible strategy to ‘check the phenomenon of the precariousness of work and rights’.
At an international level, instead, attention is directed to China, Turkey and Saudi Arabia which, in their vertiginous evolution, catalyze, in these years, the attention of the entire world.
And to the Jihad challenge is dedicated the study of the possible ‘trans-national dangers’ consequent to its ever increasing globalized dimension.
This first number of 2007, is completed by two contributions on Intelligence: one dedicated to Covert Actions, at the time of President Reagan, and the other to the delicate world of Intellipedia, the new Intelligence frontier of the 21st Century.
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